
Wow, thanks for the great history. As chance would have it - or perhaps it's an Illuminati conspiracy - I was just listening to KLF's The White Room this morning. And now I realize that the opening sample of Kick Out the Jams is actually a reference to the JAMMs, the Justified Ancients of Mu Mu. Mind. Blown.
I loved both Van Halen and Def Leppard in the early 80s, but 1984 and Pyromania were the end of the line for me, respectively. I despise Pour Some Sugar on Me with the heat of 1000 supernovae.
Notre Dame? Nostradamus? Think about it Ton'.
You're welcome.
I have to agree. I'm a huge Kinks fan, but Eddie injected so much raging guitar energy into the remake, I'll take it over the original any day.
It's the little malapropisms that get me.... I was prostate with grief. The sacred and the propane. What with Vito passing, and all that entrails. And my favorite....She’s like an albacore around my neck.
Ha, I am just finishing up Sopranos for the 3rd time.....6B ep. 8, just one more to go. So great. Hmm, maybe I queue up Mad Men afterwards, one more time....
Huh, another '88 song I don't recall ever hearing. I was probably listening to something like this, from the Pixies' incredible Surfer Rosa, released May 1988:
Gang Green got the last laugh with I81B4U.
Love love love Soda Stereo. Here's a completely different take on La Ciudad de la Furia, with Andrea Echeverri of Aterciopelados..... RIP Gustavo Cerati
Damon Albarn and Gorillaz? Kinda sorta.
Their finest moment, imho. Juanita is sublime.
Sangria in the park sounds like a great idea.
He of the Vampire Squid metaphor. Taibbi is great.
Aw yeah, between this and the Underworld mention, looks like it's going to be a Trainspotting soundtrack day at Casa Slippy.
1988 has been a musical wasteland for me so far - all of these #1s, I either can't remember or absolutely detest. But Wishing Well is a 10 for me. Total banger.
Did someone page me? I'm an Underworld Mk II guy through and through, I generally consider dubnobasswithmyheadman to be their first album. But that video is remarkable! Good to see a young Rick and Karl jamming out. They also put on a hell of a live show for an electronic act - I caught them at the Warfield in SF in '99 and they were freakin' amazing. Karl is a live wire on stage.
You can just append a ? to the URL, followed by random characters, to bust the cache.....
What a beautiful song. And now I'm doing a deep dive on the whole Three Degrees album from '72. It's pretty great!
I'm going to vote the '77 ticket down the line. With the notable exception of #4....because Wishing Well rules.
Hairway to Steven was brilliant. One my original vinyl, there are no song titles, just a crude little drawing for each, generally scatological in nature.
If Mrs. Ippi bought Miss Ourri a New Jersey, what would Delaware?
What a total cretin. I opted not to go to one if his shows around this time, and I'm glad I did, because he spent the entire time hurling his own feces at the crowd. Several friends recounted the horrors of the evening to me the next day. It used to be the best punk club in town, but the health department closed it down after that.
Voyage and Donna Summer? I know what I am listening to for the next Bixty-four minutes......
They were fantastic! Total showmen. Palmer did an epic drum solo, and Emerson had some kind of crazy keytar so he could move around the club. It was a tiny stage, certainly much smaller than they were used to, hehe....but ELP weren't exactly pulling in the same kinds of crowds they could back in the 70s....kind of a low period for them, but still, my buddy and I enjoyed it!
I so remember seeing 3 in a little dive bar at that time. So weird seeing ELP (2/3s anyway) in such an intimate setting.
Not necessarily one of the best cuts from the ‘Seventh Son’ album but still pretty awesome. It's the best for me! This album drags for me a little bit, but Madness is an absolute banger.
The truth is you would do all those things, you just can't be everywhere at once. Good on you, mt.
My family was once enjoying a charcuterie platter at some swanky outdoor place on the Hudson, in Lower Manhattan. My daughter opened a bag of Cheetos and dumped them on top. To this day, we still extol the virtues of cheetocuterie.
Yep, I'll take Heaven and Hell and Southern Cross over many Ozzy tracks. Although I have a buddy who still insists "You don't replace !@#$ Ozzy! They should have just started a new band!"
I think I just got rickrolled by side B......
Come on, Tom, tell us how really feel, don't hold back.....
Ah, but Big Generator was a great album. The title track, Rhythm of Love, I Am Running....Rabin-era Yes was great, not as great as the 70s prog era, but still....
Ha! One Shekel Watermelon reminds me of Michael Nesmith's great One Ton Tomato....
I was a teen in the 80s, and the only Sabbath one listened to was 70s Sabbath. The first two albums were required listening!
I rated Glen Campbell higher than David Bowie, and I have no regrets.