
He was barley hanging on anyhow.
Wait, THE R2D2, Esq.? I find myself in need of some legal advice, incidentally involving the cocnut growning business in the Philippines…
The irrelevancy of an Austin Powers musical is astounding. Now, an Austen Powers musical…
"The world has ended?! Well… Well, at least I have my Sarantos Acting Studio videos to keep me company. All the best acting videos in the world, all the best acting videos I could nee-" [This video has been removed by the user] "What? No… no!" [This video has been removed by the user] "No! No it's not fair!" [This video has been removed by the user] [This video has been removed by the user] [This video has been removed by the user] "It's not fair at all! Noooooooo!"
Oh man, that's me. All the time. Or when someone asks "Why did you just murder my daughter?!" you go "Daughter? I barely knew 'er!"
I was thinking the exact same thing. You know what this meansMOVIENIGHT! oh I just couldn't wait!
Things I didn't know: Katy Perry looks really good with blond hair, like she had in the monologue. Also, Kristen Wiig can look really pretty when she wants to.
Bags hate things that have been around for a long time! It's time for change! *face*
I remember watching the last road that was on, Charlie Sheen's, and Patrice was last to go. It was very visible that at some point during the show, he realized where he was and what he was actually doing. He decides to wing it, and kills it, only because half of his set was shrugging and pointing out, "What the fuck is Mike Tyson doing here? No, really, what is he doing here?" It was too funny.
I will only buy this if each order comes with a hour of phone-time with Creed.
"Haha, look everyone! Our paper is just like that paper from the show, The Office! And this is and office! Too much, too much…"
I hear Jazz band camp makes one pretty good at playing the skin flute.
Um, it's Black Walnut, tacoface.
Trivia! "Istanbul (Not Constantinople)" was originally performed by a Canadian band The Four Lads in 1953, NOT They Might Be Giants as I grew up thinking. My teachers LIED to me.
If I snatch it from him, do I get it free? If I put up with the whole routine, do I get it free?
"The sink splashed my pants when it turned on, I swear." - a panicked Liam Neeson.
They're hardly the first cat agency. Who could forget Johnson, Cooper, and Fluffykins work for 9 Lives?
HOLY CRAP! No I didn't know that! OMG conrgats!
You get the biggest of high fives for the Jean Ralphio gif, Twilly. Congrats! UP HIGH!
I will admit, I only had two of those #feistmuppets posts in me. I'm glad one of them found an audience.
Ahem, it's "Gabe and I had a chat about Dakota Fanning’s Marc Jacobs ad!", Kelly. I mean, what is this dreck! (Just kidding Kelly, LOVE YOU BFF ROFLLOLBBQ!)
My previous sentiment stands.
Supermodel girlfriend or no, I find Leo DiCaprio insufferable. He's just played the same character in every movie he's in. He plays the leading man with a secret until things get too tense and he just starts yelling. So there. You can have him, supermodel girlfriend. I don't want him.
I'd like to back up Wert on this. I get that there's always a character like that, but after a while it just gets annoying. It's like "We get it, you don't like Jerry. Ugh."
My roommates and I do the same thing, to all of the shows actually. (ESPECIALLY Whitney! What an open!)
"The Moon accepts your ridiculous proposal."
I like to keep reminding everyone that the League is a pretty good show. That said, I fell asleep through most of the episode. "Uh… oops." – Rick Perry
"Do not use semicolons. They are transvestite hermaphrodites representing absolutely nothing. All they do is show you've been to college." – Vonnegut.
"And the winner is… Genital Mutilation!" Then the voice over lady will say, "This is Genital Mutilations first nomination and first award!" because we're interested in that shit.
Wes Anderson. It will be completely stop motion.
:: One Week Later :: "BOSS, I think I've got it!" "What's that, blonde reporter? A big scoop that will really put our station on the map?!" "NO, I'm going to blow the lid RIGHT OFF this poop and pee on the bank story! See, I did some tracking down, and after some lab reports-" "You're fired."
I thought we retired Josh's number or something?
Don't you listen to her, facetaco, you can put me on anytime you want. WIIIIIINK