
In a world of Urban Outfitters Punk t-shirts this fits right in
Neither of them are losers - that much is clear at least by our current definition of success as a society.. and I don’t think she sold out this is who she almost certainly always was.. A Soldier of Convenience. Doesn’t change her being a brilliantly talented artist - she’s just added to the long list of duplicitous assholes who make art.
That paints both of them in a really bad light - and shows him to be a completely ineffective and capricious leader. I’m going to assume she’s taking out her ass or he lied to her to get her off his back. This is a fine example of a pattern I’ve noticed with young Super privileged educated kids who crow on about trendy causes for years and years and how disgusting anybody who doesn’t agree is (usually conveniently poor people). 5-10 years later they so often turn around and walk straight into bed (literally or figuratively!) with the very corporate classes they supposedly despised.. and suddenly everything is changed and the reality is they were just going home where they always belonged. That’s why I find it hard to take them seriously. Fake allies is I believe what some call this type of individual. Grimes can do/date whatever she wants it’s her life, it’s just the years and years of holier than thou posturing that makes me feel justified to even have an opinion. Like with Bono et al.
I wonder what this guy will be doing in 10 years
Also I just clicked as to why Drakes music has been becoming even slower and emptier - he’s playing massive booming arenas. He’s rap U2 - it all makes sense to me now.
I kind of want to go to this tour out of curiosity but I’m not sure I could handle the douchebaggery of the audience.. If I can get cheap tickets and I have nothing better to do I might give it a shot. Curious what a big pop/rap stadium show is like these days vibe wise. It won’t be Vince Staples or Yeezy, but then again not much is.
Then Liam proceeds to sing one of the most timeless versions of C&A I’ve ever heard from him.. if he was singing that flat I’d maybe throw a fish at him too.
I’d probably be alive but I’d be a real piece of work - I’d almost certainly be exactly the type of person I reserve a special disdain for.. not going to lie I’d still go for it - I really like yachts and the thought of affording a summer palace with endless gardens somewhere on the Italian coast fills me with uncontrollable joy. Rebirth me!
Wow! Naming a bar after a song about avoiding rehab written and sung by a young woman who drank herself to death is an interesting proposition.. I almost admire the hubris.
To preface this comment - don’t do it, any advantages of the high are greatly outweighed by the inherent downsides of becoming an opiate user.. and it’s very rare to just “try it” and not want more. Every junkie at some point was a kid who only wanted to try it a few times for fun and exploration and ended up under its spell for years or decades (if they survived). Being a junkie now is so very dangerous - with all the fentanyl floating around the chances of getting a spoon that will kill you are just so high. I don’t think junkies are growing old these days so much like they used to.. It’s very easy to get - one just needs to speak to someone who uses heroin and they will point you in the right direction. If you don’t know anyone who uses heroin - it’s not that hard to find someone who does.. I guess I learned to spot them over time but the signs are all there it’s not hard. My buddy and I used to be able to score heroin anywhere we went really easily. Every city has a place with street dealers - the Internet makes it all so much easier I imagine.. a quick google search will certainly give you the answer.
In a way being black, successful, and openly queer is a political statement in and of itself - and does great good for young people who need heroes. If that’s as far as it goes it’s good enough for me.
This is really good - great performance. I am willing to turn a blind eye to Alex’s cringey moves when they sound this fucking good.
This is great - Rocky keeps up and doesn’t rap for long enough for it to get boring, and Tyler is excellent as usual.
What’s the bet Jay promised to help with re election for the mayor.. not mad at Jay for doing what every other business man does. Still - Fuck politicians fuck mayors they’re almost all corporate bought scum. We need to start taking care of this problem as a society. All the people who think Trump is what’s wrong with the political system in this country are woefully ignorant to what’s really going on.. They’re supposed to represent their constituents - they hardly ever do.
This is the comment that says everything that needs to be said with intelligence and restraint. Nothing to add except well done.
I get your point but you acting like Kanye West is Mao Zhe Dong or something made me lol..
Interested to see if he goes even more minimal synth poppy like the Zhu song or goes back more psych stuff. I’m sure it will be good.
Lil B is legit not good. And yes I “get it”.
Probably a 1 for me to be fair to it. It’s indulgent and doesn’t really give me anything when I listen to it other than an overwhelming feeling that Alex Turner is probably really tiresome to be around. One reference nobody seems to have mentioned but seems apt to me is The Doors - there’s Jim Morrison vibes all over this thing to me. However I’m also really happy that a massive stadium rock band is making this stuff. It’s not just cynically engineered for alt/rock radio which is becoming so very rare these days.. I’ll take this over imagine dragons core any day of the week. I guess I just have high expectations of these guys, and as others have said it’s a really cool idea and vibe but I wish they had written songs a little less grating. I think they might remake this record in the future much better. If it ends up being the start of an exploration I’ll look back on it fondly. 4/5