
eh. i mean, that's arguable. she turned their economy around, but for who? also, i'm pretty sure shutting down the mining towns in northern england and leaving hundreds of thousands of people without jobs or really any kind of future wasn't her only option on how to handle their woes back then. also, nice jab on me being from texas. you're right, there are no liberals here at all and we all carry guns and yell at gay people as they're trying to take their mail out.
well. he's right. she, in tandem with ronald reagan, waged a war on the middle/lower class that is STILL not over with today. both their policies are reflected in their current parties today. but thatcher was worse. instead of working with the opposition she waged scorched earth on them. that's why most of northern britain lost their livelihoods back then.
spoon can be like comfort food to me. i'm from austin, so there's a sort of bias here. but every once in a while i can put spoon on and just decompress. at the same time, i get tired of them. it gets to the point where i feel i've seen spoon playing a gas station i stopped at because they play here ALL THE GODDAMN TIME. i think britt daniels was the guy who gave me my tacos at the drive thru last month. and he doesn't even live here anymore. anyhoo, gimme fiction should be number one. it's the one that broke them nationally, come on.
i saw them play it in its entirety at sxsw. after hearing it i'll have to say......nah.
what else is it good for? seeing bands? sxsw has always been the least equipped music festival to see a band play a decent set. every band i see has horrible sound problems and they play for half an hour tops. if you're going to south by and paying for a badge then you're getting ripped off.
also: minimum wage. HYAH!
yeah, that about sums it up. i made it all week without even spending that much per day. but then again, i live in austin, to i had a homebase to go back to.
The biggest crime on this list is that she's an angel isn't on it nor is it number one.
okay, FUCK sxsw. all of you, get your shit, get your cut off jorts, get your cheap day glo sunglasses, get your tight jeans and angry faces, and go home! this festival turns into a bigger beast every year, and this year was one of the worst versions of this festival i've had to wander through. i saw a 15 minute foxygen set! 15 minutes! TIME TO GO.
what a controversial article! and one i have absolutely nothing to add to.
that was kind of anti-climactic, actually.
man. i shouldn't look at this....., fuck, I'M GOING TO LOOK AT IT ANYWAY.
this gif goes great with lotus flower in the background.
to me the best part of the album is the reckoner > house of cards > jigsaw triumverant.
the part where it's ramping up and he's singing "THE BEAT GOES ROUND AND ROUND" is one for the ages.
i wasn't too crazy about king of limbs til i saw all those songs in concert. i relistened the next day and finally "got it". there's a subtlety to it that you don't at first. lots of layers. now i finally crave it like i do the others.
lol, no, usually i get "OVER OK COMPUTER?! &*)(*^(&^(*&^&*^&^%$^%$&^???"
maybe i'll get flamed for this, maybe not. at this point i'm not really caring. in rainbows is my favorite radiohead album. once all the hype from their distribution fell down, we were left with their most top to bottom incredible album since kid a. it's my go to when i want to listen to them. for a band that had nothing left to surprise with, making an album like that was more shocking. they'll always throw a left hook when you least expect them to.
::furiously scribbles down recipe::
jesus, it's been 20 years? so there are people who were born the year this came out driving and going to college? I WANT TO BLOW MY BRAINS OUT.
ah, dark side of the moon. pink floyd's masterpiece while simultaneously being its most reviled, simply because of popularity. you've never seen a more music nerd/snob lightning rod like it, as it'll instantly make anyone call meddle their best album while in the meantime us and them will come on the radio and everyone will shut their mouths and sit in stunned silence while it plays out. i cannot WAIT for the pink floyd list. you thought the radiohead one caused an uproar.
i think it's stronger musically and with the story. i guess i like quad's story better because it's a real life story about some guy lost in himself, while tommy is more fantastical. either way, good stuff.
whoa, this is a tough list. i do agree with the top three although i'd switch quad and tommy. but the who had such a weird run, with a lot of different styles. kudos for braving it.
hahahahaha, i thought you were, then i realized you weren't!
well hell. i'm looking forward to it.
man, i really want to pull a hipsteresque rant about this list, but i don't know the band. so instead i'll say good job.
first my bloody valentine album, eh?
listen, i love the album, but it's the beginning of february. maybe we should hear other people's albums before we start yelling out best of the year or definitely the decade. and of all time? let's....slooooow down.
wow, what a great article.
that's the great thing about mbv, you can release their stuff in any year and it sounds pretty universal.
let's face it, my bloody valentine have pulled off something thought impossible: they put out a great new album that works in context with their past stuff....22 YEARS after the fact. you can play isn't anything, then loveless and then this and not skip a beat. and if you take it out of context of following up one of the most ambitious albums of the last 30 years, it's STILL good. all the hype, all the buildup (and i'm not just talking the last four years since they started up, i'm talking the few separate times in the 90's they would say an album's ready, then scrap it and we never hear from them again), and it really is a good album.
good guy kevin shields.
YOU'RE never funny.
man. tough crowd.
::insert jokes about holographic dead artists here::
i'm really glad that you agree with me, especially after hearing about your violent mood swings.