
Seems to me like Spiderman's dad forgot to set a password for inappropriate websites
Wait she calls him "Marty"???? I guess she'll be diagnosing his skin tags next
Damn already started? Well yeah I guess there's only a few weeks left and I don't think Kanye is dropping another jewel in mid-december this year to mess the rankings too much
I got a recommendation on facebook to subscribe to one of their band member's Facebook profile. I guess Facebook has been keeping tabs on all the links I clicked when I discovered 'Take one for the team: Brokencyde Challenge' :(
Ugh could we please stop it with the Hipster Runoff references Dylan Alexander?? We get it, you don't like "lamestreamers" blah blah blah, but please keep those lame references for hipster runoff*. *Having a bad week w/ Hipster Runoff after the idiots called "Community" crappy just to look cool
That sounds like a 'The More You Know" public announcement
Yeah I can see how their sound would change, it's really a shame she left the band 'for personal reasons' whatever that means. I can imagine that they can go another way for the new album which will itself be pretty great, but at the same time I doubt that it will capture the same atmosphere from 'Alpinisms'
AC/DC wrote 'Highway to Hell' while driving through rush hour traffic in Atlanta
Think that monkey was speechless from so much cuteness. Puppies!!!
Wow it's been one piece of (bad) news after another this week hasn't it? first we had #Occupywallstreet get evicted, then NBC pulling Community (our generation's Arrested Development moment) then the one who apparently ATE a baby is getting a movie made about her and now this!?!?! What's next?!? Colts go 0-16?? Let me join you in that sweet embrace of death
Would really love that if they are to eventually cancel the series, at least make it 4 seasons long with everyone getting their degrees. Nobody wins if they end up dropping out of college after their junior year or become some sort of super seniors like Van Wilder
I think we should have some sort of caption contest on here like the ones on videogum. They would have to be music related of course. Something like a picture of Justin Bieber holding a baby or Drake with a cat or Axl Rose stuffing his face with cream puffs. Just an idea...
Yay congratulations djfrehie and godsdog and dylan alexander!!!!!! Great comments and have a great weekend everyone!
I hope she gets to the animal movies before that point
She just had to up the ante after this ad from big sis
It's stereogum style apparently to just downvote everything you don't agree with :(
I for one am incredibly glad the penis picture got removed before I got on here this afternoon. Sitting in a school library computer lab completely surrounded by people walking around looking for open computers or friends is not the ideal place for a surprise penis picture to show up. I already got plenty of grief last week from a GIF of a horse getting decapitated.
One way to get your parent's attention. "Mommy look I'm hanging out with a creepy older man who loves tampons!!" - Dakota's sister
Damn it I meant that as a reply to djfreshie in reference to our attacks on Stereogum forums Guess they are trying to replace "Leaf" from the ads as Leaf is not a fruit! Unless you're a Koala in which case you would still probably prefer apples
Kind of cool that he acknowledged the leak and posted that on twitter, not like some other artists who would be suing the pants off the leaker.
Took a page off the old Axl Rose playbook on how to be a douche
I am quite Optimistic that Radiohead will not be a Let Down and do Chella this year
Cleveland gets plenty of shows, try living in Indianapolis for a couple of years and you'll see what it feels like living in the most ignored midwestern city
I'm a bit weary of the thumbs down that Stereogum users overuse but I think that this is a cause we can all get behind
Seriously??? A thumbs down for this?? Get your priorities straight people jeeez
Pretty sure the muppets are MUCH MUCH better than most music. In fact they may have invented music. Either that or I really like the Christmas Muppet CD I own. I could say a million things about Drake being covered but I'll bite my tongue and realize that people have different tastes than mine and Stereogum is covering a wider spectrum of music than most blogs
Oh.... this was THIS weekend wasn't it? I'm so used to not watching that I completely forgot somebody I actually care about hosted. Thank you Hulu
YEAH!!! \m/ \m/
I think some GIFs are in order here
To be fair they both had their moments. Blur just had more of them and they were a lot more likeable
Ah WTF this totally sucks, these guys are awesome, they just played at my city and I passed on it due to lack of money. I really regret that now
"She didn’t know there were people who didn’t believe in the rapture until she was 19" I wouldn't have believed that a few years ago, but going out into the world has shown me that there are people who aren't even aware that there are other religions in the world, not to mention their belief that the world is only a couple thousand years old. As a biology major, that kind of stuff blows my mind, and unfortunately those are the people that show up to vote every year.
I guess it's as much a mystery as the moon. Those damn scientists and their crazy magnets