
I don't really understand getting worked up over what people call their children. I mean, Courtney means short nose. Cameron means crooked nose. Brian means maggot. But it doesn't matter. I think North and Nori both sound nice.
Kanye picked "You get Spike Jonze to direct your music video but he can only spend the length of the song working on it" in a game of Would You Rather?
In the source code for that site:
He has made two incredible albums under his current moniker, so I don't give a shit. I don't think they sound like "the diary of a sad clown", whatever that means. He has said that he was playing a character more so under his previous moniker J. Tillman, the sad, saccharine, self-pitying, singer-songwriter type. Now he's just doing whatever he wants, and I like this work infinitely more. I don't care if someone thinks he's a caricature.
I was 100% sure I was following a 311 link there.
I think I got a few songs by McCrantey on Limewire back in the day.
I want to hear McCartney sing on one of these collaborations. I want that a lot.
Such a stacked album. Still remember hitting play and hearing that "Daft Punk Is Playing At My House" riff for the first time. Head began to rhythmically bob and my body began to move. Classic.
I know how much you wanted it blochead, but the real #1 is that Cale guy for the bullshit he said to Tom on the Bjork review. Cale, the asshole, was robbed.
I love Father John Misty. His entire persona is dripping with smelly irony and cynicism, which is understandably a little too much for some people, but I can't get enough of him. I Love You, Honeybear builds upon Fear Fun in ways I didn't expect. It's an outstanding record; a new song stands out on every listen.
Is it time for an episode of "You Poppin' My Stones?"
Word to the wise, blochead: Listening to RJC's radio show does not help one get over the cult of Raptor. He's just an all round great guy.
My ego was kept firmly in check by this year's Top 50 comments; from four places in 2013 to none in 2014. I took it very badly. I'm determined to place this year, but sadly the only shining light in a shit January performance is my Editor in Chief award. My only hope may be to become as omnipresent/prolific/incessant as you are.
I'm serious here.
Thank you. A few people have stopped me in the street but it's not really a big deal.
I can't not down vote something that's at -16.
I don't know what to do. I don't really like a Burial track. What's going on.
Norm MacDonald's hilarious set at the Bob Saget roast justifies any Comedy Central roast happening.
Forgettable, but I thought, from the writeup and Facebook post, that it was going to be way worse, and more embarrassing.
Sorry guys. It's me honlads. Accidentally used my Facebook account on this one.
I'll always have this:
Obviously I've had an off year.
What were your favourite albums of the year?
RJ, you gonna drop us a tasty New Year's playlist???
Your third paragraph is completely valid though. I don't think that's the same. That has nothing to do with you feeling some weird ownership over someone's art, it has to do with others not understanding something more transcendental. Something that has to do with humanity as a whole.
I think I understand what you mean. However, I feel if they had fully committed to some supernatural theme/element and made that a concrete reality in the True Detective universe, that would have ruined the show. This was about insane characters that were into some occult practices, and validating those occult practices, and lending them some credence, would have been a huge misstep by Pizzolatto. As it stands, I thought it was an excellent first season.
Shit I went for the stylised STER3OL1TH1C. I hope my vote is recognised.