
I'm having a hard time thinking of a band that excites me less than Fall Out Boy at the moment...
2015 is already better than last year.
Can't imagine he was serious.
I know "class" isn't exactly Weezy's middle name, but...
Yeah, two genius R&B stars at once is too ridiculous. What a lame thing.
The image looks real, but the lighting is definitely touched up.
Merry Christmas to us all, Dave.
Keep your hands away from my jazzed pantaloons!
I'll take Charli, personally. Especially if she makes a video like "Untitled (How Does It Feel)"
Holy shit... I step away from the internet for a couple of days and suddenly D'Angelo has a new album out? I hate you, internet! And I love you.
GREAT writeup. This album took a couple listens to really get into for me, but once I turned it up to 11 and just jammed the hell out, I had to change my pants. In a good way. Love it.
I may get flogged for saying this (and I'm a HUGE Albarn fan), but I think Albarn's best stuff was with Gorillaz.
I loved how tongue-in-cheek bombastic they became. Johns is supposed to have a solo release out sometime soon, from what I hear.
Yes! I'm always happy when someone else recognizes Silverchair. America forgot about them after they ditched the post-grunge pajamas, but Diorama and Young Modern are two of my favorite albums of all time.
Speaking of Silverchair, they actually ended up maturing and adapting to be incredibly interesting. Their two albums in the 00's are among my favorites of all time, yet nobody in America seems to even know they exist.
Somehow Billy's arrogant rants about that era ring so much more true these days. It's like time has justified his remarks. Billy for President.
That totally makes sense. If I'm not mistake, you and I are close in age (I'm 32), and the shock of Adore was unbearable on impact. I hated it at first for the same reasons you mention. It took me a few years to come around, but I finally stopped comparing it to its immediate predecessor (in contention for my favorite album of all time depending when you ask me), which was hard to do, but I did it. It's an album that aged very well. I hope that doesn't come across as "You just gotta come around, you're behind the curve, broseph" because I don't mean it that way. Your reasoning makes sense. I think Adore is an especially hard pill to swallow to those who were of age, right there drooling for more after the mind-blown euphoria of MCIS. It's definitely a hindsight classic, which makes it easier to love for the younger crowd I think too.
Michael, aside from your points against adore (LOVE THAT ALBUM!), very great writeup! The review, obviously, but you tribute their legacy and get inside Corgan's head very well here. I think.
The black and white grainy filter is a bit much. It's plenty sad without all that.
The good side is, he has nowhere to go but higher. Taking him there shouldn't be too hard.
Makes me wonder who he's talking to... It's hard for me to imagine there is a significant amount of people out there that have just been waiting for Scott to clear the air and ease their worries.
Woah. I like "Tiberius" a lot, the more I listen to it in fact. But I personally don't think it's THAT good, nor was Adore that bad. For me, Adore has aged incredibly well. It's a tad long for what it is (which is funny because to me MCIS isn't too long at all!), but I like it more now than I ever did. It's still hard for me to put the newer stuff on par with that, though I do really enjoy it. To each his own. Just kind of surprised me.
Hm. To be honest it wasn't nearly as crazy as I was fearing. I've seen music videos that were much worse and much more disturbing. I mean, sure, rape in a video is disturbing, but I think the only reason this is getting attention or that the creators decided to bury it is because the subject is famous. It's LANA DEL REY being attacked. By the filmmaker, no less. So yeah, the "controversy" level is raised. I half think they "leaked" it themselves and are just playing up the "Oh it's so horrible, we didn't want anyone to see it!" to drive up the "Now I gotta see that..." reactions. Manson in particular is known for wanting to shock. In a world where it's harder and harder to truly shock, it doesn't surprise me at all they made this.
I'm fairly certain you're talking out your ass. Don't you have homework to do or something?
That singer for Clean Bandit has the most obnoxiously punched-in vocal style I've heard in awhile. Shame to waste some fun production on that. BOOORING.
Ooooh me nips.
Karen is definitely prettier than Julian, these days. But I'd let either one serenade me.
What Tim said. Every band comes with the baggage, whether positive or negative. If we can take a track like this, compare it to former Weezer, and be happy...then that is a positive thing.