
For real right? ""You do everything for the lord! You mow the lawn for the lord, wash dishes for the lord." I'm sorry but am I the housekeeper for the Lord? This is 2010 and this is AMERICA! And I am a WOMAN! So how about "being in mid-level management for a information networking company because the glass ceiling is very real no matter what you say. wait why are you escorting me to Jezabel? get your dirty paws off of me!"
You're right. I forgot. [insert a Mussolini quote and what ever the emoticon for Long Live Radiohead is here]
Yeah, I don't like these. They're mean and they make me uncomfortable.
I have no idea why your comment has been voted down so many times. I thought it was hysterical. It sucks that stereogum commenters have the worst sense of humor. If i could I'd upvote you a million hundred times.
Remember that time that Melissa's boyfriend date raped he and I asked my mom, "Mommy, what's a rape?" and she was like, "what did I tell you about watching thirtysomething while I'm at night school?" And I was like, "I'm pretty sure I'm going to grow up to be an alcoholic."
Did you know that there is a website you can go to, and you just enter your password and PIN and it takes all the personal information you have ever posted online and encrypts it? The website is called the Internet. Please make your check payable to my email address. Great. Thanks.
If I click on that, and it's not about The Borrowers, I am going to be really pissed.
Agree that the use of technology was embarrassing. It was like, "here let me fax you my phone number." I wanted it to be more spacey. Like instead of a conveyor belt maybe they could have iBeamed their halogramed avatars to each other or something.
Also it's funny if you say like, "C'mon son!." Try it, "Proverbial son!" like i just did very loudly in my office thus earning the respect and awe of everyone around me.
Okay, now what did I say about looking it up? I said "don't" right? I was very clear about this. I specifically said, "don't look it up." But anyways---so what did you find? You looked up "proverbial" in the dictionary and it was a picture of Lindsay, Class of '09, coming back to visit Videogum and posting a comment right? The proverbial son returns! (hey, just let me know if I'm not running this joke into the ground enough okay?)
Thanks! I was named after my dad. It's actually supposed to be Under We Are Yes Jr.
Gabe, have you visited Lindsay's website?
No! Proverbial means like, when someone leaves and then comes back. Like Lindsay just did. Proverbial son. Look it up. Also, please don't look that up. Please.
I really hope that whoever is responsible for that stock footage of the Chrysler Building, makes a million dollars every time that shot gets used in a movie that takes place in NYC. Because that way he'd (or she--you've come a long way lady camerapeople!!) have a million million dollars. You might think that would be *billion* but it's not. It's million million.
Powlsy I upvoted your comment! (I'm doing this new thing where I let people know when I upvote one of their comments so that I can get really popular on Videogum and run for student council)
No video game coverage! If you cover video games I will kill myself! I was planning to kill myself anyway, but if you cover video games I will blame you in my suicide note.
Couldn't halp it though. Don't tell anyone.
I think the real story is that anyone reads anything by AOL. Way to bury the lede Videogum!
I love seahorses. They're so @#$%ing beautiful.
You have jean?! Cools.
Thanks! It's from Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo. Bingo Gas Station made it for me.
I also tried to get, "not my chair, not my problem" off the ground, but it never really stuck.
It never took off world-wide, but my friends and I say, "thinks he's Captain Tyin' Knots" a LOT! (via Drinks Out Of Cups)
Buwaahahaha! I remember that!
Awwwwww! Those were so cute.
Please clarify if this is an Andy Griffith reference so I know whether to upvote you or downvote you.
I would also like to see the first 2 movies you mentioned get the VG treatment.
I considered that. And it was funny...but the premise of the joke was Guest's. The punchline was The Office. So it wasn't ripped off wholesale, no.
if you aren't sellin' avant garde tracksuits like that one lady, then I'm not buyin'!
OH! It was Best In Show! All the nuts...."Macadamia, Brazil nuts...."
Community felt a little Hey Dude/Salute Your Shorts last night.
Are we ever gonna talk about how one of the producers for 30 Rock is named Carlock and about how I always imagine that guy to be Dr. Spaceman? And yep. The Office needs to close up shop. Not only is it getting really sad, but it's stealing jokes from Kids In The Hall and oh....another show. I noticed last night but can't recall now.
I didn't really have to 'grow' to like it. I liked it immediately. In fact, I remember when the ads for the show before it aired and I was like, "Oh man, that show is gonna be good." Looking back I can't believe I ever had friends in school.
I really like the thirtysomething posts. I was 12 (i think) when the show was on and I remember watching it while I waited for my single mom to come home from night school. No joke.
Wait. Doesn't werttrew just automatically get it? Confused.
have you ever checked out the message board on imdb w/r/t this movie. HYSTERICAL. I mean it. For a good time call.
I loved the part where Chuck was talking to Lily about his dead mom and Lily made the classic, "Chuck, I know the secret that your moms is still alive" face and he was all, "Lilly what's wrong, you have a weird a face on" and she was like, "well i dunno what you are talking about but i *definitely* wasn't just thinking about how your mom is still alive."