Uniform & The Body – “Not Good Enough”

Uniform & The Body – “Not Good Enough”

Kindred spirits Uniform and the Body teamed up last year for a collaborative full-length called Mental Wounds Not Healing. Since then, the New York noise-rock duo and the Providence experimental metal duo have both released new albums of their own — The Long Walk and I Have Fought Against It, But I Can’t Any Longer, respectively. And now they’re getting the band(s) back together with Everything That Dies Someday Comes Back, another joint LP inspired in part by Bruce Springsteen and writer James Ellroy.

We’ve already heard “Penance,” the project’s grimy, crushing, and sweet lead single. And today, Uniform and the Body are sharing another new song from the album, “Not Good Enough.” Says Uniform’s Michael Berdan:

There is no deeper meaning to “Not Good Enough” outside of what the title spells out. It is a song about my relationship with my worst enemy: myself. So much of who we become is shaped in our early childhood. For me, my identity was that of a heavy set kid with a learning disability from a broken home in a rougher neighborhood. I may have grown up. My physical body may have changed. I may have made peace with my family. I may have escaped my hometown. I may have developed techniques to function as an adult. In the end, in my mind, it means little to nothing. I am still the hyperactive fat kid who can’t stay still and gets beat up in the nearby park. Self knowledge avails me little. True or not, I will never be complete. I will always be defective. I will never be good enough. All of the love and success and acceptance in the world will never heal the scared little kid in my head.


Everything That Dies Someday Comes Back is out 8/16 via Sacred Bones. Pre-order it here.

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