Stream Emily Yacina’s New Album Remember The Silver

Stream Emily Yacina’s New Album Remember The Silver

Emily Yacina’s excellent new album, Remember The Silver, is out tomorrow, but it’s streaming in full a little early. We’ve shared a handful tracks from it already — “Gleaming,” Bleachers,” and “Arcades & Highways” — and we even talked to Yacina about it a couple months ago. The whole thing is great, stretching Yacina’s sound in dreamy new directions, like the horn-punctuated “Siren Song” and the dancey jingle “Talk Talk Talk.”

But I want to highlight “96th Street” from it, an absolutely gutting song that destroys me every time I listen to it. It goes along with the album’s theme of looking for beings that might not really be there, and it freeze-frames an encounter with a lost loved one’s relative: “I see your brother all time/ His voice is like a sad spell/ That brings you back to life,” she sings over sharp acoustic guitar. “A trick played by the angels/ Now look at all this time/ Between us like a cold hell/ A void I get to know.”

Listen to the whole album via The Talkhouse below.

Remember The Silver is out 12/6. Pre-order it here. The album release show will be 12/7 in Brooklyn, NY at Union Pool.

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