Stream Chamber’s Ultra-Heavy Metalcore EP Carved In Stone

Stream Chamber’s Ultra-Heavy Metalcore EP Carved In Stone

Nashville’s Chamber specialize in a clean and brutal form of big-room metalcore — a sound that’s a whole lot closer to traditional death metal than to any version of hardcore that descends from punk. Chamber’s style calls back to early-’00s metalcore; they’ll do enough mathy change-ups to keep you off-kilter, but they’ll also lock into hugely satisfying breakdowns. If you’re into vast, crushing riffs played with feverish intensity, then they’re very much worth checking out.

Chamber were already a big deal when they released their 2020 debut album Cost Of Sacrifice, and now they’ve followed that LP by surprise-releasing their new EP Carved In Stone. It’s just three songs long, but all three songs are mean as hell. Honestly, a three-song EP might be the ideal form for this kind of music — it’s enough to push you around and leave you disoriented, and it ends before it has time to get oppressive. Stream it below.

The Carved In Stone EP is out now on Pure Noise.

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