Ducks Ltd. – “Train Full Of Gasoline”

Colin Medley

Ducks Ltd. – “Train Full Of Gasoline”

Colin Medley

The beloved Toronto indie-pop duo Ducks Ltd. have another jangly, jittery new single from their new album out today. So far from February’s Harm’s Way we’ve heard “The Main Thing” and “Hollowed Out.” Today they add “Train Full Of Gasoline” to that list. It does indeed move like a train speeding down the railway with something volatile inside. Notably, it features backing vocals from Ratboys’ Julia Steiner and Moontype’s Margaret McCarthy, plus Ratboys’ Marcus Nuccio on drums.

Tom McGreevy shared this statement on the song:

The jumping off point for this song was a friend telling me about the Lac Megantic rail disaster in Quebec. A 73 car train full of crude oil was left unattended and rolled down a hill before derailing and exploding in a town. I read about it a bunch, and to my understanding it was a scenario where a bunch of small errors built up and compounded each other, with the result being a catastrophe out of proportion with any of the individual failures that precipitated it. The song is about self destructive patterns. How if you try to ignore or minimize issues in your life they can manifest in places you don’t expect.

Below, watch the “Train Full Of Gasoline” video, directed by boy wonder and starring Evan Rissi.

Harm’s Way is out 2/9 on Carpark.

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