
This is my least favourite song off Pride, but still excellent. Personally I prefered the intensity and intimacy of the "At Death.." video, and the song is much better. But Pride was one of last year's best. Also one of the most overlooked.
I wasn't too young when Crows and Gin Blossoms were big (although in the UK they were never "big" anyway). All I know is I got into them in my mid teens because I liked the music. It wasn't to fit into some niche group. And those bands are still a hell of a lot more respectable than what the majority of kids are listening to these days. And Huph, I think it's funny how you disputed qiqi's comment. It's as if you're giving peodophiles your full support.
I don't know if I like the way the interview was written. It was a sort of sympathy-piece more than anything. Like...check out this sack of shit..what a loser. But he seems like a decent guy, and I quite like the band's music. But Stereogum, don't give us a whole fucking run-through of an interview and then give us a link so we can read over it all again. Leave us with a few surprises at least. It's like saying "Hey, here's a nice apple pie I baked just for the way, I've already licked it all over".
Britney's got fat shoulders.
your IQ automatically decreases by 60 when you join a hard rock band.
Nick Drake's Pink Moon on the VW Cabrio ad should've won -
"Don't comb the lebrechaun, his unicorn won't recognise his smell"... The words of a man whose been clean and sober since 2006?
Jared Leto? Lindsay Lohan? ..way to go jizz over Lennon's memory.
I like this album, it's one of my favourites of the year so far. Took me 4 or 5 listens to get into it properly though, due to the contrast between it and their previous work. "So He Won't Break" is excellent.
I've only listened to the new album through once, but first impressions would say it's the weakest thing they've come up with. Really generic stuff. Which I suppose most people would've expected, but I was kinda hoping they'd surprise us with this. They didn't. Not at all. And what a shit video. Why is every action that guy does so overacted? "Look everyone! I'm EMOTING!".
looks much more clean and modern. and professional.