
Pearl Jam Tupac ELO Janet Jackson Joan Baez
I'm hyped. Really hope this album is great
Maybe I'm misremembering but wasn't that his first ever live performance?
I've long thought that All The Trees of the Fields Will Clap Their Hands would make a sick rap beat
I've been waiting on the American Idiot movie since they first said they were going to do it in 2004
I actually did know that! Because I'm a big film nerd.
Looks like all covers? At this point that may be for the best
Decemberists and Board Games two of my favorite things
The Cure were nominated 2 or 3 years ago
Those poor packers giants and cowboys fans don't have an ugly shirt to buy
I guess I'm the only one who thinks the self titled album is super underrated
Hymns was pretty ok
Phew that was a close one. Now I can rest easy
I'll always remember that other famous Smash Mouth lyric "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself"
It was going to be released as an EP under the title nostalgia lite, though that fell through. Novacaine and Swim Good were released as singles however.
Walls is five syllables if your accent is thick enough
I know I'm probably one of the few Kings of Leon fans around here, but I'm looking forward to this even though Mechanical Bull was kind of a disappointment
The contributors list includes samples I believe
Fair point, although the CD spine said Illinois
it sounds like..... he's got two versions
its available for purchase too, if you want
5 tracks in, I already prefer this to Endless. its really really great. Also is it Blond or Blonde? The album title on iTunes and the cover are telling me two different things
I really hate the recent trend of people dredging up years old tweets to embarrass people, like people can't grow and change. That being said, saying "it was just a joke" and "I'm sorry if you were offended" isn't the greatest response
I mean, I like Adele but her music isn't really halftime show material you know? The fact that Taylor Swift hasn't done it yet is mind boggling, unless she turned it down but I don't know why she would
I was getting light flaming lips vibes. same ballpark i guess
I like green day.
Creatively endless or endlessly creative?
I've never once heard that song and thought "hey this sounds like let's get it on" it's usually "what is this shit"
Have we reached peak beer?