
Read the intro.
People who say GMOs are bad usually have no clue what they're talking about. It's the same strain of anti science that gives us climate change denial, but on the left.
A. Great album, deserved AOTW, etc. B. Thanks for getting that obvious crap about Sylvester out of the way. Ever since P4k was giving 10s to their friends in 10 Rods there's always been suspicion of this type of shit, but obviously Sylvester is a great producer and Shamir absolutely deserves all the praise he's getting.
Thanks for reminding me about the "talk about racism" thing. I need frequent reminders that marketing execs can't possibly be human in order to maintain my faith in humanity.
Hopefully this gets some people to think critically about the absurd shit that PC leftist ideology creates. Can't risk offending anyone, and anyone could be offended by anything.
The Anita Sarkeesian of music, except she actually makes (good) music.
If hats doesn't save your country's economy, try trolling Germany for more reparations money. Fucking Varoufakis.
Disregard this comment, I didn't read the article closely enough and jumped to conclusions.
I like how you tacked "communist" onto that as an insult, like the Cold War never ended.
Speaking of that, when is he going to run for president? I would vote for him in a heartbeat.
Welcome to postmodernism, where you can't win if you play by their rules.
The distinction between "mixtape" and "album" is so fucking meaningless in 2015.
I literally clicked the article, read the first half a paragraph, then scrolled down to upvote your comment because I knew it was going to be here.
Kim's Caravan got robbed. Miles better than any of the bottom 4 on this list.
Kenyon College represent. I'm just about the most biased person in the entire world when it comes to Walk The Moon because they're just about the only famous people from my little corner of the world short of Rutherford B. Hayes, but I'm so glad to see them getting respect. If you can see them live, especially at a small venue, I would recommend it.
Perfect song, perfect video.
I kind of like the shitty mastering, it started out as a resource limitation but at this point it's more of an artistic decision: it disorients you a little. Weird to hear Kanye and Lil Wayne rapping in lo-fi though.
Am I the only one who cringes with revulsion when I see someone use the word "problematic"?
The real question is how GY!BE beat out Kidz Bop 28 for AOTW.
You have ruined this forever for me, thank you.
Either they're massive hypocrites a la Future Brown or more likely it's metametacommentary about capitalism in music imagery.
"Elevator Operator" might be my song of the year so far. I can't remember the last song I heard that was written so damn perfectly. "I'm not suicidal, just idling insignificantly" basically sums up my entire life in a single line.
I, for one, commend Tom for sticking up for great music.
Grimes' music videos are always breathtaking and never fail to nail the aesthetic she's going for in the song. This one is no exception and it deserves #1 by a long shot.
Can we stop pretending that this manufactured shit deserves respect?
oh my god there are fucking ads in the middle of the album fuck apple FUCK APPLE
So this is how I finally download iTunes... so help me god.
I personally think Oberlin's decision was not justified, while Waka's decision was justified. However, that doesn't change the fact that Oberlin College has the same right to cancel Viet Cong's show as Waka Flocka did to cancel his show at Oklahoma. If you personally disagree or agree with either decision, it is your right to support the party you choose.
The core of this issue is Oberlin trying to be holier-than-thou. That's the real motivation for canceling the show, not to prevent the Vietnamese community from being offended, but for looking good in the eyes of other rich American liberals.
Is he trying to make a bid at the 2016 republican nomination...?