
Hotel Lights > Ben Folds One same Calexico?
from Bill_bored: 'Edit note: Tiger Army, originally reported as part of the track listing, has dropped out of the project.' Look who has smarts.
oh damn. Sparklehorse. well, best that the Hot Topic? kids learn *something* new.
Go go /MEGAFAUN\ ! >>
+ a pretty great feature in the latest SKYSCRAPER magazine - these are pretty people. Airstream for life.
I never did figure out why JB dropped the YACHT dots. . . . .
No - but, I've seen Andrew WK album covers and passed before too.
also: [to the bald man from LOST] emotion around the 2:50-ish mark.. . ?
also: Harold and Maude-meets-
[ look at the positiveness! ]
honey - the Zebra puked shitsters again.
DFA / NikeĀ® intolerance.
pretty great album. now that the Faint and the Shins have jumped from the label wagons, we should soon be able to exclaim 'death to the [somewhat]majors'.
Goodness that Tillllllman. Rockin' the 'more cowbell' look with pride and making it look damn sexxxxy. xo
the "unintentional sit" is around 1:24
Hooooowah! Sounds like a bassline from any of the past three ofMon albums demixed by Bootsy Collins and Deee-Lite during the "De La Soul is Dead" recording sessions. Hissing Trauma are you the Blooming Onion??
I really cannot stand: Vmapire Weekend, Bon Iver, The Strokes.
David Crosby is about as "rad" as older gentlemen get.
the boy looks good in boots and western tops, that's for sure.
that's original [*the claim]
his name is *Johnny Rotten* - sounds like a being that has a name to maintain.
I did *not* rate / rank this opinion.
ah, yes. just got off work - think I'll head home and pretend I'm some'kinda rock beast. god _less Amerikka!
I miss Kirby Pucket. Where in the World is Wade Boggs?
that Huffington lady and her daughter are so yummy.