
I've never been a big Death Cab fan, but "I Will Follow You Into The Dark" is such a great fucking song.
Poor persecuted rich people can never get a break, amirite?
Holy crap, people realize The Cure has more than the same three songs right? And does one really want to risk being the band that "covered that 311 song"?
Yeah it's a weird list. I'm glad at all the love for The Cure and New Order, but there were some weird omissions, for sure.
Listening to the All Dogs album now. I like it! Solid guitar pop.
That is also a good point! I feel like Disintegration IS a very personal album, but written and recorded in a way that is very universally appealing. Beach House is more idiosyncratic in their personal approach to songwriting, which is no less valid by any means. I just don't think they're in the same class as The Cure, which is a class they're probably shooting for, but I can't fault them for falling a little short because The Cure is a very high bar!
I like Beach House, but they just make me want to listen to Disintegration (one of my all-time favorites). I other words, I feel like other bands have done Beach House better than Beach House. But they are definitely good, and good songwriters.
It still in the URL though! In thousands of years, when civilization is rebuilding itself and trying to find answers about its past, they will stumble upon this article and the mystery will captivate the world.
John Forgerty: counterfeit genius.
Haha total premature post. What I meant to post: I HATE it when bands make the audience sing whole sections of a song. I came to the show to watch YOU sing the goddamn song! Not to hear the drunk bro next to me sing your hits.
It has always bothered me how The Doors aren't as "cool" as other 60s bands these days. No one else really has sounded like them since. Sure, some of Morrison's acid-poet stuff gets a bit overwrought, but you can see similar weaknesses in many bands of the 60s and 70s (the darkest depths of Mordor, anyone?). The Doors are amazing, straight up. As far as the ranking, I pretty much agree, except maybe I'd switch Waiting for the Sun and Strange Days. Great list and writeup, guys!
I like it! It sounds like their better 00s work, which is just fine with me.
Figures. Drum techs get all the glory.
"In a Big City" was what got me into TA.
Live is totally the best Christian band ever.
I agree! I really don't understand the love for "'Cause I'm a Man." It's really bad, IMO.
I've listened to it a couple times, and I have to say I'm disappointed. I'm not a fan of his R&B excursions in particular. "'Cause I'm a Man" is pretty awful. There are some cool songs, but some really bad ones too. I hope it grows on me more, because of fucking love this band.
Dog Eating Corn is a great band name. I call dibs. Thanks.
You got one of them right! ;)
Good job using two of my most hated words in a single post.
Sometimes all a song needs is 1:30. Ask Robert Pollard!
Isaac Brock is becoming the new Art Alexakis--the famous musician almost everyone here in Portland has a personal story about being an asshole.
You mean Ariana Grande is a piece of shit? Who would have thought?!
I was just thinking the same thing about "Mr. Boombastic." What gives, huh?
Never mind, it's a different cat. Still want it.
Snacks made a cameo, therefore it is worth watching. I WANT THAT CAT.
I'd be cool with it if he was wearing a Phantom Menace shirt though.
I bought this album on my 13th birthday, a week after it came out. I bought Soul Asylum's Let Your Dim Light Shine the same day. Guess which one I still listen to? ("Misery" is a great song though.)
Yeah, Disintegration is the ultimate headphones-in-the-dark album!
This is very cool! Has a bit of bite to it. Daddy likey.
UMO is definitely Tame Impala's twin band, I agree. (Although I'm not so hot on Multi-Love.)
Lonerism, to me, is one of the best albums of this century so far, so I don't expect Currents to top it. I do love "Let It Happen," but the other singles haven't done much for me. It's not even about the production, which I think is pretty cool. It's just a matter of the songs themselves.
I think I saw an infomercial about your playlists on TV this morning!