
These are puzzles I will happily solve.
Rossen has such an amazing and super distinct voice. Sleeping Ute is a perfect opener. I've been listening to the whole album today and it's just the absolute best. Love this band so much.
Shields is as underrated as an album can be. Sun In Your Eyes is absolutely stunning and A Simple Answer makes me want to quit my job and do something worthwhile. This band can do no wrong. Friday get here cause I'm tweakin.
Win Butler 2013: "Dude, James, thanks so much for the awesome production on the album. If you ever go back on that whole 'breakup' thing I'd love to plan your promotional rollout!"
Back when I was in high school and had nothing better to do but read EVERY interview Arcade Fire ever did I immediately noticed a trend of arrogance and narcissism. Still think he's an alright guy, but he says some really stupid annoying stuff sometimes. Think James Murphy with a "cool" hat.
anybody else mistakenly think that was Lena Dunham in the article photo?
I wish I passionately hated the album as much as I do the rollout schtick, at least then it would elicit some emotional reaction. So far it's just been a fairly boring few listens. I just want to move on to the next cycle. When's Arcade Fire's back to basics album? That usually follows overblown and underwhelming albums right?
It would seem these youth took their freedom to choose and got on the stage, which was definitely NOT the right move.
Win is really scraping the bottom of the "Absolutely Terrible Lyrics" barrel on this one. I laughed out loud when he sang "You wanna get messed up?" Not to mention going from listing the days of the week into saying: "Love is hard but sex is easy" I just kept thinking, is this REALLY the album you wanted to make?! Forget the terrible album rollout, the album itself is SO lifeless. (Seinfeld voice) No signs of life!
Happy to report that this album just makes the rest of the discography feel even stronger. Maybe each album from here on out will just continue to solidify Funeral's place as a once in a million - lightning in a bottle - masterpiece.
Hey, maybe just try making a really good album and letting us know when it's coming out. Supersimplicity.
Quantity Route: The Father John Misty Story
Got this on Apple Music about 6 months ago but noticed about 2 weeks back that it wasn't available anymore. Glad it's back. One of my favorites.
Remember seeing the Yonkers video for the first time and being excited about the future?
Coldplay is not a bad band. People who immediately write them off are fairly misguided and just picking an easy target. Their last few albums have been progressively worse but I still hold out hope that one day they will stop with the abundant feel goodery and challenge themselves again. They used to want to be a great respected band so badly. They tried so hard and now, since Xyloto, they've straight up said they don't care what anyone thinks of them anymore. They just want to be themselves. I've said it once and I'll say it again, Chip On The Shoulder Coldplay is VASTLY more productive, creative, and interesting than Comfortable With Themselves While Healing The World Coldplay. I don't know if anyone remembers this but before Mylo Xyloto came out they were doing these blog posts on their website written by "Roadie 42". It was some anonymous person giving weekly updates on the progress of recording Mylo Xyloto. But from his descriptions of the album and what they were trying it didnt seem like Mylo Xyloto at all. He described it as stripped down with an emphasis on acoustic instruments and lots electronic touches. Just reading about them experimenting with new sounds and trying to create this new different sound was SO EXCITING. Then Mylo Cyloto came out and it was, for the most part, what you would expect from Coldplay with more Pop added in. I always felt so disappointed. Especially when in interviews they were asked about the genesis of the album and Chris Martin joked that no one would want to hear their ridiculous experiments so they opted to go with a more tried and true sound. This is so sad to me, it's the moment when I started down the long path of Coldplay Stan to Coldplay Apologist to Coldplay Hater to Occasional Coldplay Defender. I still think they could make some really good music if they just challenged themselves and stopped trying to heal the world and point out how beautiful and magical it all is. WHAT HAPPENED TO DAYLIGHT AND GOD PUT A SMILE UPON YOUR FACE??????!!!!!!!!! WHERES THAT BAND????!!!!
It was really a cocktail of things. 1: I loved Coldplay. 2: I started reading a lot of music blogs. 3: I was severely insecure.
Stop being so hard to like in such an unchallenging way!
Check out HOW dumb THIS one is I'm still paying for my musical plebeian sins with a complete lack of grammatic comprehension.
High School me hated Radiohead because High School me only listened to Coldplay. My dad bought the Best Of Radiohead CD and I would just hate listen to songs on it. I'd tell my sister "Check out this dumb song!" *plays Everything In Its Right Place in its entirety* "How stupid is that?! Psh, check out your dumb THIS one is!" *continues to play full songs while listening intently* I finally found myself listening to more and more Radiohead while mocking it less and less. I also found myself not being very interested in Coldplay and within a year I was suddenly listening to all types of new and exciting music. All of that to say, thank you Radiohead for being so good that even a Coldplay sized chip on my shoulder couldn't keep me from eventually giving into your sweet sweet pleasures. I look forward to many more years discovering new surprises.
Why does this album have to be such a bummer before we've even heard it?
I dislike Taylor as much as any card carrying member of the "Taylor Swift Hate Club" but I just don't see this video as being all that annoying. She CLEARLY doesn't know who he is and isn't trying to hide that. Whoever put this video together knew that he liked her and asked her people to ask her if she would do it. She probably said no and then they explained "varying demographics and inaccessible markets" and probably dropped the magic words "increased revenue from brand expansion" and she then half heartedly put this video together. My point is that while this video embodies almost everything I hate about Taylor Swift, the fact that she seemingly cares so little makes me care very little. What I really hate is when she "sincerely" tries to be "genuine" and people fall for it. That makes my blood boil.
I hope he just goes ahead and makes a video for every track. These have each been so unique and well crafted. Kung Fu Kenny can do no wrong.
And now I understand the feeling Owl boy was trying to convey.
Back when Sufjan's Age of Adz had just come out I was standing in line at the venue and overheard a girl behind me say: "Yeah this new album is pretty different but I like it a lot, kinda sounds like Owl City" A few minutes later Sufjan himself rode by on a bicycle and looked directly at us. It's as if he overheard the comment and just wanted to say, "Seriously?" This seriously happened, outside The Tabernacle in Atlanta. It's one of my favorite stories but I rarely find an opportunity to tell it because I keep forgetting Owl City existed.
I miss when Coldplay had a chip on their shoulder.
They wrote "Shiver" so, like, no?
This song is still a sweet jam
Robin, thank you so much for this beautiful album which comes with the gift of slowly revealing repeat listens. I love it so much
I really don't understand how some people are labeling this album has "hard to crack open or sort of boring" I mean I get that this doesn't have any "White Winter Hymnal" or "Helplessness Blues" like tracks on it but it's pretty immediately evident how beautiful it is. It may not be catchy but it is incredibly breathtaking right from the first listen.
This album is so meticulously/lovingly crafted. So much to explore on repeat listens. Really hope it gets full credit for being so amazing. Im already nervous that people are just reacting like "Hey! New Fleet Foxes! Awesome! ... Anyway, back to whatever band is currently 'the hotness' " DONT SLEEP ON THIS ONE!!!
This song is really good (LIIIIEEES!!! LIIIEEES!!!!)
People give Jimmy Fallon a hard time but it's cool to see that he pulled some strings so Andy Richter could showcase his hobby.
Never thought we'd get new Fleet Foxes again. Feels good to have Robbie's soothing tones back in action.
Ever since Toledo got his minuscule portion of recognition and used it to throw some #MadShade at Sufjan, I've been awaiting his downfall... unfortunately, this isn't a very convincing first step.