
Of course she is. I'm surprised it took this long.
Come on dude. "At least it would have been a year or two ago." "I wonder how many pop stars used to be teenage Kurt Cobain acolytes." Not mention all the silliness about "the dude staring at you from behind fishnets...." It's wildly dismissive at best. You're reducing SIlverchair's entire career and discography to one buzz band single and again ignoring the fact that he has been making music not too far from this for the larger portion of his career. That's the whole point. It's not that much "mental whiplash" for anyone who has any clue about this band beyond their big hit first single. It's akin to writing an article about the newest Radiohead album and "omgwtf this sounds way different from Creep!" I'm not trying to go all Belieber defender up in here, it's just a snarky and misinformed article about a pretty talented dude who has made some great tunes over the years. SG is usually a lot better than this.
It might also be worth mentioning that the video is NSFW, considering it's full of naked people boning in the desert.
Myopic and lazy article. You do know that Silverchair exists in a different country far far away where they are one of the biggest bands of their generation right? And rightfully so. And yes, they made more music than Tomorrow and Ana's Song. Do yourself a favor and go listen to Diorama. Or the rest of Neon Ballroom. Maybe do at least a minimum of 5 minutes of research before penning yet another low hanging fruit of blog snark.
I love 'Yonce (that's what us in the know call her), but I'll be damned if her album was a pretty tiring and boring affair after all of the hype wore off. Sure it has a couple of nice songs on it, but most of it is really not that interesting and I haven't come back to it very often since downloading it. I don't really love the Beck album either there, so who cares.
Agreed. This song is a bit too straightforward and vanilla for what I expect from them. I hope the album gets weirder.
Also, she's not fingerpicking the guitar here. Anyway, she's an amazing talent, but this song isn't doing much for me. Also it's a shame to see she cut her hair even shorter. :(
Dave Longstreth sure looks a lot like Sir Paul in the video. Also, agreed, the guitar playing is pretty weak.
feat. Rihanna's left boob. I really like this song, but it'd be a lot better if it was just Rihanna.
I'm with you 100%. I think the guy can produce an interesting or pretty melody one out of every 25 songs or so, but more often than not it's just a bunch of noisy and unintelligible garbled loops. And for every interesting melody he produces, the songs is typically said melody droning over and over for 6 minutes with very little variation. I can't say I get it.
I love a good ironic typo. Maybe Stereogum should go to........ "collage." LOLROFL. COUNT IT.
Just watched again. Seriously, wow. What a great song.
*checks to make sure RTJ is #1, sigh of relief, onto the next post....*
Best picture of Drake ever for this article. It just screams "punch me pleeeeeaaaaase."
Welp, that was super disturbing and really well done. Classic Wareheim.
I'll listen to anything this fella produces.
You reached out to the Secret Service and the FBI and they didn't help? WEIRD. In his defense, he is speaking pretty coherently and doesn't seem to be on any drugs, but that doesn't change the fact that Florida scares me a lot.
Cute video, but man alive is that song a turd.
She said herself that Spotify doesn't fairly compensate everyone involved, not just her, the artist. She ain't hurting, but this seems like a good move from someone at the top. I dig it.
Listen to Mature Themes or Only In My Dreams and go from there. Or the afore mentioned Round and Round. Even though as others have and will say, his catalogue is actually far more weird than that, but the weird is good. Embrace the weird.
Very weird, very unsettling, and very good, again. He's pretty good at this.
Seriously. What. A cameo by Ron Isley, tons of different things going on throughout the video. Just, what.
So this is a grown man continuing to act like a pre-pubescent 12 year old youtube troll. Congrats sir. Quite the artist. Can we stop giving this hack so much attention already?
At the very least, Kozelek could have pulled all of this sophomoric and low brow unfunny shit towards a band that isn't hilariously better than him. Pick your battles dude.
It doesn't make me uncomfortable because I'm a prude. It makes me uncomfortable because it's bad. I don't need to hear a sex/love song from RTJ and some Khia "My neck my back" clone. No thanks.