
Man - I feel like Cole been the annoying patronizing friend since he was 10 years old. miss me with that shit...
It's weird cos it's unexpected. Which is why people are making jokes. When you actually dig into the details, and realize that he moved here at a relatively young age, it's not weird at all that he seems so Atlanta, but I don't think people are racist dickheads if they see a headline to the effect of "21 Savage is Secretly British," and think that's weird and/or funny, until they dive into the particulars and go, "oh ok, I guess that makes sense."
I don't know guys. Isn't it possibly to simultaneously think this is some fucked up bullshit that ICE is pulling, and also that it's funny that 21 is actually British cos it's so at odds with his rap persona? Like you don't have to be a racist fuckhead to think the memes going around black twitter are funny...
Honestly - the Pablo cover is kind of fucking genius
My confidence in this political system is waning...
I mean — i'm waiting for him to fuck this up in a few days but I'm not buying that it's some grand master plan. Then why didn't he do this before the Wyoming drops? Neither Ye are Trumpito are playing 4D chess...
Fuckin hell. Pretty sure Ye is just a real life physical Russian bot, at this point. Guess he thought #bexit looked bette on a T than #walkaway. Fuck this man.
Is this a feud? I'm still confused. What does a lawsuit have to do with pride?
S.80 varies so wildly in quality. The highs are so high and Kendrick takes such joy in rapping, but fuck some of those hooks are so bad (that make-up song for one).
I mean - it's the internet. It's all hyperbole.
Yeah - I'm always Team Frank, but this seems like a lame thing to get upset about and then get lawyers involved. Like sure - call Travis and say that you think the vocals are better unmodified, but sue him?
Yo - I'm in Baltimore for a few months. Where are the new spots for shows etc.?
I think SG still loves Kanye. I do. That's why this year has been so upsetting.
I actually think the chorus could be sex-positive in the right hands, but gotdamn these are not the right hands! And every lyric out of Kanye's mouth undermines any tiny scrap of positivity that could be salvaged from that hook.
Is it well written? Did you enjoy the read, even if the subject matter might be tough? Might pick it up...
All valid complaints except I fucking love the visuals. Then again - Spike is one of my all-time favorite filmmakers.
Professional design wonk here - this is so aggressively bad (I mean, really aggressively bad), that I'm into it. I even considered ordering the Riley Reid shirt for half a second (it thankfully doesn't say "squirt" on it).
I mean - Kanye Lite is reductive, but also not wrong.
Played Days Before Rodeo with my car windows open yesterday. Still the best Travis joint.