Show Me The Body – “WW4”

Asha Maura

Show Me The Body – “WW4”

Asha Maura

New York rockers Show Me The Body, a tremendously strange and exciting band, are getting ready to drop their new album Trouble The Water, which is due in a couple of weeks. They’re also about to head out on a European tour with UK synth-punks Powerplant. After releasing the Trouble The Water album tracks “Loose Talk” and “We Came To Play,” Show Me The Body have let loose with one more song before the album arrives.

I seriously cannot imagine another band coming up with a song like Show Me The Body’s new one “WW4.” It’s a great example of what sets this weird-ass band apart. Frontman Julian Cashwan Pratt spends most of the song kinda-sorta rapping over his own spare, contemplative banjo strums, projecting deep intensity in an unlikely musical setting. When I write the words “rapping over banjo,” I feel an instant and visceral sense of horror, but this somehow kicks ass. It then kicks more ass when the rest of the band drops the hammer and turns “WW4” into a hardcore song. This thing is going to absolutely kill live. (If you haven’t seen SMTB live, I would encourage you to find a way to make that happen.)

In the “WW4” video, we see Julian Cashwan Pratt riding motorcycles and building an art installation out of Show Me The Body’s three-coffins logo. Then he lights that installation on fire, naturally. Do you miss the days when people could look cool while smoking cigarettes onscreen? Here’s a guy who looks cool while smoking cigarettes onscreen. Watch the “WW4” video below.

Trouble The Water is out 10/28 on Loma Vista.

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