Descendents Cancel European Tour Following Milo Aukerman’s “Mild” Heart Attack

Ed Colver

Descendents Cancel European Tour Following Milo Aukerman’s “Mild” Heart Attack

Ed Colver

Last summer we got Milo Goes To Congress, and now I guess it’s Milo Goes To The Hospital? Descendents, the Southern California pop-punk legends, announced today that they’ll be canceling their upcoming European tour because singer-guitarist Milo Aukerman suffered a “mild heart attack” last night. He’s expected to make a full recovery, but he obviously can’t go jetting off across another continent right now. The band’s statement:

We are truly sorry, but we have to cancel the upcoming European shows.

Our singer, Milo, had a mild heart attack last night. He’s doing fine, and is expected to make a full recovery from surgery, but will need a few weeks to recover before we can hit the road again.

Hope to see you soon.

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