Watch A Trailer For Tom DeLonge’s Directorial Debut Monsters Of California

Courtesy of Tom DeLonge

Watch A Trailer For Tom DeLonge’s Directorial Debut Monsters Of California

Courtesy of Tom DeLonge

Back in 2020, Blink-182’s Tom DeLonge announced that he would be directing his first feature film, and that it would be about — you guessed it — aliens. Finally, that movie has almost landed — the first trailer for it was released today. It’s called Monsters Of California and will be out in select theaters on October 6. The trailer includes a version of Blink’s “Aliens Exist.”

“The film takes my fascination with the unexplained, combines it with the skate culture I grew up a part of, and tosses in my ridiculous sense of humor that millions got to witness during my Blink-182 days,” DeLonge said in a statement to io9. “In recent years, I’ve had the good fortune of helping the government remember how much they care about UFOs through the work we do at To The Stars, and it’s that experience which helped inspire this movie. I can’t wait for audiences to see the fucked up fun adventure these kids go on.”

Watch the trailer below.

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