
A weird thing I like more about the video's audio version, too, is the gunshots. Without them, the transition in the song doesn't jolt in the way the video version does.
"Lumping in celebrity PR moves with actual politics is what got us into this moment in the first place." I'd argue that it was actually the exact opposite. It wasn't that they were being lumped into it, it's that we let that happen, shrugged, and said they tell it like it is or they're just stating their opinion and aren't politicians. Then more and more people started to find those "ideas" intriguing or worth listening to, especially because they weren't coming from your typical politician.
The "I liked it a lot more after multiple listens" comment is a hallmark of the PE of a disappointing album that most people genuinely don't want to be disappointing.
True true true. Another fantastic Lynch/song moment that the fans all adore:
Blue Velvet is great and probably the most officially associated with Lynch song (and man I love the opening use of it in the film), but "In Dreams" is my personal Lynch song association.
It's not my fault this website can't recognize its own memes smdh
I think I've seen "I don't get suicidal, I get homicidal" on a t-shirt at the Wildwood Boardwalk.
Everyone forgot about RAM is the thing.
Following up a masterpieces like Yeezus and The Life of Pablo is a thankless task: There’s almost no way you can create a better album, and even if you do, don’t expect anyone listening to think so. And while Kanye could have retreated to previous successes to reduce that pressure, the guy instead threw us for a loop: Ye doesn’t recall his pre-TLoP records (contrary to suggestions made by Ye and several listeners at the event last night); at most, it reminds us more of those old records than it does the recent ones, but as with any Kanye West project, there’s no going backward: The only thing Ye is looking back at is us, from its own world somewhere in the future.
Yeah that's bizarre. Smoking feels way more common in Europe than, say, America for instance.
Maybe a controversial take: agree that "I Thought About Kill You" is way too long of and intro, and the song, like some others here, feels a little lost, and has less at stake than its title would suggest. The new album may not cohere like Ye's past albums, but we need to accept the possibility of a record so excellent we don’t understand it yet — something with so much hype that we expect it to really warp minds and trip us out. Give it time. I can assure you it’s not lethal.
Going shirtless in public can do wonders for your PR, is what I'm saying. Unrelated, but I have been thrown out of many public establishments.
It's been interesting to watch a lot of the internet flip on him lately.
This is a song I really liked until I figured out what it was about, and the specificity of it really lessened the song for me. Has that ever happened to anyone else?
I'm still kind of amazed at how many people still think it's ok to separate an artist from politics and that it's "all about the music" when there's a very long history of that leading to very, very bad results for all involved.
"Incidentally, 2008 was the year I started getting very into the sort of music I listen to now, and these recent anniversary pieces are making me feel some kinda way." That was me during the 2005/2015 ten year retrospectives, which are already three years old in and of themselves, which is honestly fucking me up too.
It's almost as if the "i'm gonna be smart and choose to NOT pick a side" is a vague, non-committal position that allows those in power to twist your actions or statements into whatever position they so choose, especially when it's a political leader whose followers care not about the accuracy of information but only the parameters of how it's filtered through the leader. Cool times! Lovin' life!
This is the bad take.
Not to mention his wife, who also has a giant platform, defending him as just being his expressive self out of the sunken place etc etc.
"He's treating Trump like a fashion trendsetter or an entertainer because those are really the only worlds he's bothered to understand." And then he posts the signed hat photo, as if to prove you even more correct.
Kanye going full red-pill is going to lead to a lot of really tiresome writing.
Holy shit that's really the album cover?
Can we no longer post image comments?
Steve is dead btw. They replaced him.
From my experience in the Desert of the Online, 90's indie bands are listened to exclusively by dads or hip teens, which firmly solidifies them as Classic Dad Rock now, according to science.
Best of these first three imo.
I just listened to all the prerelease stuff, and I'm digging it even if I still miss the guitar work of VC. Post-punk magic with a twelve string on that.
Oh I guess I somehow missed Preoccupations had a new one out. How are people digging it?
[logs back into Stereogum dot com] [logs back out of Stereogum dot com]
Like this wasn't you're fucking 13th time using that username.
Maybe we need to accept the possibility of a discography so excellent we don’t understand it yet
It makes me SO happy that you wrote this, Michael.
Listen, when you become an indie darling, it becomes but a fact of life that people will randomly shit on you, no matter how brief the time nor how soon you trade in that hype for writing a mawkish MOR song for Adele.