
you should probably get that checked out then
and clouds taste metallic and transmissions...
Discovered this band's stuff during the week and really sunk my teeth into it, glad to get such a timely write-up XD
good gag but it still hurts me, even 4 years after they broke-up.
I think gaga is good for music, and im disappointed her songs aren't doing that well, even if I dont really consider myself that big a fan of them
thats a pretty perfect picture for the headline, kudos
i will forever agonize over what could have been if him and JR could have just reconciled whatever was between them and kept making Girl's records.
I guess my point was whether its your bag or not they were just doin their thing, rockin on some blues riffs, not hurting much. Somehow they got big heads from that formula, bc yeah its nothing groundbreaking. But I will contest that auerbach can play. Carney's drums never did much for me tho.
after hearing this without knowing it existed, i think im about to hop on that bandwagon
They used to be chill blues garage rockers, saw them early on at small venues and they seemed like humble dudes. Then they got big heads and became douchey. Quite sad.
This is just a perfect storm of things I like. That said, "I know when I'm being catered to."
WHAT ABOUT T-11?! One of the best shows
Just or My Iron Lung tho?
and to explain myself: a walking taco is with like chili and cheese and other mexican toppings
is this anything like a walking taco? in other words, explain yoself
I believe its pronounced "Steven Seagul"
I saw the peppers this year at lolla. Wasn't expecting to really like it much, but they have a torrent of hits thats undeniable, especially for a fest set.
Brain thought this was an onion headline when I first read it. Just too perfect.
go watch other space she kills it on that show. also shows up on early youtube sketches from some the snl writers (kyle etc)
this may be my favorite song ive heard all year. as always he makes something truly striving for innovative
yesss..been looking forward to this for ages, was really great too. can definitely hear some of the influence from the swing lo sessions on it as well
dude iirc American Idiot had 8 or 9 singles played on top 40 off of it or some shit.
this is why I said maybe turn it off/switch the station if u have kids in the car, but yeah I did think about how its being blasted over fm rather than isolated in movie form
I can't really believe they headlined a day at lolla one year. Good band, great couple albums, it just reached more people than it seems like it would have.
To me a big part of here was that this lady didn't understand that this music is not meant for children, much like a rated r movie or something. It is adult content that talks on complex issues with context unintelligible to a child. If it comes on the radio with your children around, simply turn it off and save it for time to yourself. However, she goes off the deep end trying to interpret some of it herself, and her ignorance shines through.
fake id really grabs you, damn
have similar feelings about the RE shows I've been to. their records and music are all really great but they dont bring much energy to their live shows
what an insane story. they robbed like 9 million in jewels from a starlet like something out of an old heist movie. people everywhere need to chill out these days.
"an experience fit not for air quotes but air guitar" Damn, that's a perfect way to sum up the album. Glass raised.
So its a dive bar tour....presented by a divison of a huge multinational corporation? Coulda been cool but as always, bud light tastes bad.
damn trent is gonna scare terrorism out of existence with that stare
this is what I heard at the time, so one more vote in favor of that speculation I guess