
But Cannonball, specifically, *was* one of those generic 90's buzz-bin tracks. I don't know how old you people were at the time, but Cannonball was *annoying* when it came out. It was a safe watered down version of the more challenging alt-rock at the time. It was novelty, gimmicky, and complete with pointless, stupid lyrics ("The bong in this reggae song"?! Sounds like something a frat boy would write). I don't like "Cut Your Hair" much, either. This seems like jealousy over who wrote a better pointless song with simplified music and dumb lyrics. Both bands have way better songs in their catalogs. And Tanya Donnely was the best member of the Breeders. Pod is absolutely stellar, I only dig a few songs on Last Splash, and I don't really like any of the rest of Deal's output. I have pretty similar feelings toward Pavement and Stephen Malkmus, although I think it should be obvious that Pavement was the better, more original band. But that's me.
Kelley Deal went to prison. And she didn't even go to prison, she went to court ordered rehab.
"Streaming" is simply downloading something and immediately deleting it. It's a digital world, *EVERYTHING* you see/hear onscreen has been downloaded by your computer. And "Download" is just another word for copy, since it ends up on your computer and still remains on the server. So you see, the RIAA is a bunch of assholes trying to apply 19th century legislation to 21st century consumerism. Don't worry though, the industry is falling and with it the RIAA.
Small city living? Around here waiters just take your order. A runner brings the food, and a busboy cleans up.
Shmeh, black people tip as frequently/infrequently as any other blanket ethnicity. It's really the upper middle class white guys with expensive sneakers, Cuomo glasses, and all-over print neon jackets at the hip hop shows who never tip. As a matter of fact, a white hip hop head "friend" who was sent to buy drinks for my friends and I actually pocketed the extra money we gave him to tip the bartender. He figured he deserved it since he was "waiting" on us. Nevermind that the bartender was waiting on *him*, and us by association. And as for not tipping bartenders because they don't "wait on you all night": Who do you think cleans up all the half-drunk PBRs you cheap bastards are leaving behind at night? You do know that it's not only the bartenders who keep those tips, right? Most of the time, the bartender has to tip out the bouncer, the barback, and the DJ's pay usually comes from the bartender, too. Sometimes even the manager takes tips home. It really is unacceptable not to tip here in America, especially in a metropolitan area. You enter a social contract when you go into a bar. Just as you enter a social contract not to be unclean and smelly when you use public facilities. And remember, the restaurant owners aren't trying to stick you with paying their bills. Running a restaurant is super expensive. If management had to pay a fair living wage to every waiter working in one night (could be 20+ people, since everyone needs their food so damn fast) they'd never turn a profit. Most restaurants just barely scrape by as it is.
Hey, some people don't like the Eagles because they're the definition of bloated, pretentious rock music of the 70's. And then other people don't like them because they grew up in small towns where the only rock station was a classic rock station, and they got tired of hearing "Hotel California" 20 times a day for 20 fucking years! You hipsters are overstepping your bounds. Hate for bands doesn't always have something to do with some sort of pop perception. It's obvious when people accuse others of liking/disliking something because it's hip, that they're only covering up their own embarassed realization that *THEY* are the ones who are actually constantly being swayed by others' opinions.
No. You're just an idiot who "no not read so well." You're the one with the apparent pedophile obsession.
Wow... That was fucking retarded... What a bunch of hacks. Why do young bands think they can get away with just ripping off (obscure to them) acts from before they were born? This is just an attempt at appealing to people too ignorant to know better, or appealing to plus 30-something journalists who wish to remain children. It's immoral, artistically filthy, and just plain amateurish... I wash my hands of this generation.
That commercial is really old. I think I remember VW using that song as far back 2004.
Why does anyone care what *you* think?
Boo Hoo. "We signed to major label, and they don't respect our artistic vision!" Sounds like a bunch of entitled 12-year-olds. And by the way, whatever label BYOP is on, this half-hearted ham-fisted approach to publicity is really weak. Maybe you could really put out some controversial music, then we can talk...
Well, if they don't give a crap, then why the hell is there so much news recently about albums being leaked? It seems if bands didn't care, this wouldn't be an issue.
Umm... You mean 50% of your *disposable* income, right?
This is just so pointless. Is there anyone in the world who isn't already aware of any of the albums in the first 10 years? This is more like a list of Academy Award winners for the last 25 years. "Hey! Did you guys know that a band called Fugazi made a good album? Ever heard of the Pixies?! Hey, remember that band the White Stripes, who were so Indie that even we were running blurbs on them in 2003?" This is just an excuse for EW to try to look cool. And to consider that the "Indie" bands listed from 2001 on have anything to do with the Independent Bands listed in the first 10 to 15 years is just insulting. And to say that the bands from 2001 on "shun everything that is prefab, safe, typical" is really fucking laughable. The whole Indie genre is safe, typical, and fashionable. So much so that, surprise surprise, they use it to sell cars, clothes, gourmet foods, and movie tickets.
Radiohead's albums all came out on major labels until In Rainbows, right? Although I think the idea of calling Radiohead "Indie" *completely* skews the idea of what independent music is. Madonna's not on an official label anymore, is she indie now? And what if Metallica just started releasing their albums themselves? Would we start calling them indie? Just seems like an excuse to namecheck Radiohead.
Those were generic synthesizer sounds even when the Eurythmics used them back when. Whoever made this beat is probably just using the same synth or a software emulation.
I just noticed that if I preview my comments, the layout switches back to the old Stereogum layout. Glitch? I'm not sure if a preview'd post goes out or not, since I usually "Back" it to the original comment page. Thought I'd mention it.
Geez, even the most underfed and underfunded of musicians usually knows someone with a home studio to record their music. May not be that "Nashville Treatment" but it's a viable option either way. Hell, she can come record at my "studio" free of charge, all I want is 10% on the backdoor and full mechanical control of the recordings. What a deal! >=^)
"And while the former band reminds him of a Broadway production of 'Pirates of Penzance' he saw in middle school..." Classic Zing!
"That is where you would find a large populace of suburban hipster transplants who are too self conscious and cool to dance." I might be going out on a limb here, but couldn't it be that just *MAYBE* some people don't like to dance? I'm just saying. Dancing's not a universal thing, regardless of what some DJs have told you.
You're probably right. Either way, this blog is a snooze-fest right now, when's SXSW over?
*Free* Southern Comfort... In the middle of the day... in hot ass Texas? That must be one sweltering vomitron waiting to happen! At least it's not August, eh?
I believe the term you're looking for is "mustachioed'.
Oops! This is supposed to be a reply to "Angela Ad Sales" a little further up the list. Remember to check the "in reply to" box, people, or you'll look really stupid like I do now.
Oh! Maybe *that's* why they didn't jump out at me before. They don't bother me, I thought I'd mention, I just had never noticed them before. But now that I think about it, the Dewar's logo does pop into my mind as something I've been seeing here for awhile.
The new layout isn't bad. I like that we can reply directly to comments. BUT, did Stereogum always have these ads? I never noticed them before. Maybe the layout was distracting me.