
I don't have a problem with her doing whatever she wants to do artistically. I just find it ridiculous that so many people, particularly in the press, have latched on to the "oh she's so mysterious" and "we don't know what she looks like" etc. etc. She's not, the first Sia Furler album was in 19freaking97, she's released FIVE albums as Sia PRIOR to the current one, a few EPs, a TON of singles that were remixed to death and done a few high profile guest spots for other people (outside of writing huge hits for them). It's just unbelievable that so many people have bought into it. Also, I seem to recall her stating that she thought she was done and was just going to write songs for other people because she hadn't made it, not because she didn't want to. That she had given it her best shot but it didn't happen. Now that it IS happening that story is changing a bit. And that's fine, I'm not hating. Like I said, artistically, have at it! I have no problem with her doing whatever she wants, however she wants. It's just a bit silly to me is all. Like, that giant muppet wig she had on at the Grammys.... silly.
Haha, that seriously made me laugh, then smile for about ten minutes. So thank you.
Like. I'm sorry, is it so difficult for you to grasp that the intent of my words and the sarcasm of others is saying the same thing? Because really, I'm not sad about the fact that I know how to express myself without using the crutch of sarcasm. Not even a little bit.
lol! Why are people down voting me for saying the same shit other people got up votes or no votes on? Y'all some hatin' sons-a-beeyatches.
With respect, don't agree. There are plenty of ways to work an album, both old and new, without giving away that many songs. It ruins the experience when that many songs are already known. Albums have been worked, quite successfully, for nearly 100 years without using the easy click-bait "here's another song from the album" approach. Particularly a band who has released as much music as MM. All they have to do is get the word out to a few sites and publications that an album is on the way and word will spread on its own, thereby creating interest. Surprise releases of entire albums speaks volumes to that very approach.
Doesn't matter to me if it's half, one-third or one-quarter of the album, it's just too many songs to hear before buying it (imo). It would be different if they were singles that were being worked for months at a time prior to release. But this tossing off 3-6 songs from an album to build interest doesn't work for me. I find it insulting to the artform of the complete album and the album listener.
Umm... yeah. Mental illness is nothing to laugh at. Maybe some of the talked about issues with Blink 182 communicating start to make a little more sense now. Idk, I get the trolling vibe a couple people have mentioned, but nah, don't think so. That's a complete perceived reality dude is living, whether it's real or not is the question. ... but like, not really, because it's SO not real.
Totally different than the rap game where a huge part of an artists image and persona is putting on a front, telling hugely exaggerated (or completely fabricated) stories about how hard they are, what they've done to women, what amount of drugs they've moved, what they've done in the streets, how much swag they have, how they're going to kill you if you mouth off, etc. It's much easier to believe that Jenny Lewis has some songs to sing about her life than it is to believe the same guy Drake played on Degrassi is now the same guy he represents himself as being in his lyrics. Like I said, to varying degrees, all rappers are acting. Even the ones who came from the streets fictionalize and self-aggrandize their experiences. Drake was just so... idk, soft I guess, that it's hard to believe anything but his more sing-songy love jams. For the most part I don't like that kind of rap, so it's always been hard for me to get into Drake's music. I'm coming around though, I don't just ignore his new releases anymore.
Disagree, this song is pissed, and the second half of it is brooding about being pissed.
You must have a hard time listening to music, because this is a pretty basic, driving, rock rhythm. As I'm sure you know, it's been used endlessly. I didn't even notice it here until I read your comment. There's enough going on with the accents and the richness of the mix in general that it doesn't bother me. That's something I've noticed about everything they've released from this album thus far; there's a lot going on, layers and layers of it. This song in particularly is deep, deep, deep. There's stuff going on way down there, underneath, in the hidden places.
Fuck me typos.... *off, *where... whatever, this song is a fucking jam!
Am I the only one (other than Half Buck I guess) who really isn't feeling this show at all? I don't get the hype. Tried it, and it felt like jumping into a deep pool of cheese. Also, although I hesitate to say it, this feels a little ad-like. As in, like, it's an ad.
Thoughts.... I'm REALLY excited to hear the whole damn album already. But like, am I the only one who is over hearing three, four, five! songs of an album before it's released? I get a single, maybe two, but I want to experience most of the album at one time. It's getting to wear I feel like I've heard half of an album before it's released, which doesn't make me want to buy it. Holy shit this song is a jam. I'm hearing Taking Heads when I listen to this. Weird.
I like both of them, honestly. I don't think either one of them are perfect (who is?) and I don't always agree with everything they say, but I appreciate that they're both honest, truthful human beings who are trying their best to be themselves in a world that wants to shape them to its own design (that being the entertainment industry). Also, man, Bangerz has really grown on me. I've pretty much given myself over to thinking it's a great fucking album, which is not something I thought when it was released. Weird to say, but Miley might have been a little bit ahead of the times with what she was doing on that album. I think that album may grow in stature as her career continues forward.
Interesting. Thanks for passing that on. I don't spend much time at the fork.
And maybe, taking it a step further, about how religion didn't provide solace in regards to any of the above... There's no shade in the shadow of the cross
Could also be in reference to mental illness, which definitely works in the context of the rest of the lyrics. In fact, that could also be what the entire song is about; mental illness and the lengths we travel to try and bury it ourselves with alcohol, drugs, and other worse self-abuses.
What captainbreakfast said. But also... The song is one overt drug reference and addiction metaphor after another. It's not really what I'd call subtle, there's only a couple lines that you can't easily work into that overall theme. So "Casper the Ghost" is the invisible assassin, i.e. drugs and addiction, that is haunting and/or possessing him (or whomever he wrote the song about, I guess).
Pitchfork's headline reads, "Jack White Writes Irate GuacamoleGate Letter". That's kind of sad, really.
Personally, I think Diplo's recent statement on the whole thing is pretty reasonable too, or at the very least it's honest and self-aware. That article has been updated, in case people aren't aware.
Sounds reasonable. I still don't understand why they felt the need to publish it to begin with. As I pointed out in the last post on this kerfuffle, somebody made money (either the school or whichever student organization who put it on), so I don't see the issue.
Wonder how many people saw (or will ever see) his apology, which was actually pretty decent. He apologized and recognized his own regularly questionable behavior. Beyond that, I like that he's not backing down. Like I said previously, that's who he is, and it's nice to see somebody be themselves in the entertainment industry.
“The station has allowed me to share incredible music with the country’s best music fans. Annie Mac will be taking over Lowe’s time slot. His last show will air on 3/5. Missing a closing quotation mark.
Her inclusion of The SUNDAYS, Deftones and The Scorpions made me like her more than I did before.
Don't pretend to know me. I speak on the subject at hand with more experience than most. And you're currently defending assholeish behavior in the comment section of an article regarding a suicide attempt.
Never mind, it's track eleven on their new album. Still, I could see a Staves guest on the new Bon Iver album working (in my dreams, anyway).
It sounds like a Bon Iver song, and "as yet unreleased".... maybe?
Thank you, please give me more wordless down votes as that will insure everyone reads my post.
This really needed more than one post at Stereogum?
Fuck any piece of shit who would be so callous as to give that statement a down vote. Y'all need to go follow Diplo's twitter feed.
Then he should learn to write better.
Thank you all for being so obtusely predictable.