
A few years ago I was walking my dog at Grant Park. we went past a hotel, where someone was BLASTING this song. To be clear, this was from a single room, not a hotel event. I don't know what went on in there, but I'm pretty sure cocaine was involved.
Can't wait for April, the Shrek Soundtrack Turns 20 post is going to be amazing
So far, about morals, I know only that what is moral is what you feel good after and what is immoral is what you feel bad after-eric clapton
Don't need the platform to be profitable at this point, not when there's a mad corporate scramble to own everything.
He's just incredible at this point. He's got this amazing film scoring career, his songs can be arranged where they can become classics, his music gets sampled and becomes and it becomes a SMASH HIT, baby. His music career? How many other heavy music dudes not only stay relevant, but for soo long? I don't care what anyone says, you can certainly considered him to be one of those guys who has more than one job.
Thanks, bro., jpg, jpeg. or png
it's okay. just tell him wnhen you see him in the comments. aight, im off to play guitar 4 a bit ttyl
Can yuo also ask him how to embed images>?
can you email him to mail me? i live in chicago
Says a talking bag of fries during a global pandemic.
I tried to update my gravatar but idk what email i used for my account. do you think scott can change my account's email or do you think hes got better stuff to do than deal with my B$?
Alexa, insert Mimi of Morgan free man pointing up and saying I detect no lies, or the such. Oh and reorder Lunchables.
How are these dudes again so well? The bass player--i should know his name, sorry--he looks like a large teenage son. How? Oh, right. The money.
Song: legit Outfits: legit Bass players cap: double legit. Direction: legit Cgi: inherently unlegit, but pretty good, as far a cgi goes. Final score: legit
I love the Phoebes, but there's no way I'm clicking on that face book link. My friend's cousin's older guy he works with told me about how someone got killed on social media. No thanks. I'll just rewatch fleabag and listen to the album. Btw, doesn't the tv phoebe play ukulele? I wouldn't mind a Phoebes ukelele jam. But YOU might
This reminds me of the ancient sayin', "He who lives for a hundred years but never enjoys it, does not live for a day, but those that live in a coked out bliss for 40 years..There’s no blame placed at Kate Middleton, who was in the hospital for, as far as I can see, absolutely no reason . . . She feels no shame about the death of this woman. The arrogance of the British royals is staggering, absolutely staggering.”
in honor of johnny rotten becoming the spoiled bland mash potato caricaturare he feared, but knew, he would become, here's a throwback 90s pop punk jam for that which ails ya. it also features the weirdest musical disclaimer west of the Diplomats' "no Homo".
Not all wacko anti-science conspiracy theorists are xenophobic, but all xenophobes are all wacko anti-science conspiracy theorists.
Not all wacko anti-science conspiracy theorists are xenophobic, but all xenophobes are all wacko anti-science conspiracy theorists.
Idk if clapton is a good solo dude,but the stuff he did when he stole all that black music was pretty good. He is not a good improviser, though. Does that mean he's only good when he copies other guitarists and rehearses it? Who the eff knows. You either like it or you don't. But man he sounds like a kid amongst giants in this video
Are we sure that's just four Sheryl Crows? I know there's a total of no more than four onscreen at any given time, but How do we know that's not a different Sheryl Crow, each time one steps out and into frame? I say we could have anywhere from four to 8 crows, just judging by the number of tracks in the song. Well, assuming there aren't additional Crows doubling up on one track
I'm seeing double. EIGHT Sheryl Crows!
So. i've been trying to get into candles, but IDK, bruh. Like do you ventilate? Do you have to burn them when you're not cooking. so the smells don't mesh? Thank you for your review, Kelly and dog, but I just don't think I'm ready to invest in a candle, much less that hat thing or special fancy blue state candle scissors. If you think otherwise, please reply in the form of a hand drawn ms paint scribble.
I know we don't live in a perfect world, but is it too much to ask that someone make a video of that owl playing Midnight City by M83? Oh, it is? Never mind.
Does he own the rights to that mcdonald's 1$ menu rap? I know McDonald probably owns the masters, but can he rerecord it and sell it as his own? Are the masters valuable because they show a particular time in his life/career, or are they a living work that evolves each time he performs the piece?
A bottle of RC cola to the winner of SUD
Int: zanetis is overwhelmed by his own antics BB king slowly walks into frame holding Lucille. BB looks straight to the camera. Says "oh, hell no!" Walks out.
My stupid sister's zoom wedding is tonight. Can I just pay 7$ for each individual performance?
This has such positive dad energy, I signed in just to upvote.
Fuck Yeah, man. To the record label: get me some fancams of this man, ASAP. Also, give him all the money to produce his 2 next records. Signing bonus with goal incentives. BUt the fan cams, dont forget about the fancams
Good luck to you, man. I'm not going to go into all my problems, because I feel like it would be like making a list of my favorite screamo/balkan mariachi matchups. --for me. What I want to say is, I feel for you, random internet bro. It takes Courage to talk about it, even if it's in an anonymous internet music niche Blog. I think this is positive because-girl-- there's a national health pandemic coming up. To everyone:If you think you might need help, seek it now. not trying to be a doomsayer, just speaking from experience. It's a lot easier to seek help now and develop a relationship with a therapist before it's an emergency. Anyways, good luck again
Este güey si esta sacado. 10/10
The song is about an ancient tree becoming a dresser, as well as some spiritual deals I am not educated enough to properly explain.
Say, the other day I asked for yoga recommends. I was going to make a spotify internet playlist, but my dog ate it. Instead here's this folk poet singing an ancient poem in the turkish mountains.