
Love It If We Made It would be even more enormous, I bet
They don't want Toby Keith cursing out Colin Kaepernick on stage
Pearl Jam would be absolutely perfect.
This is remarkably uninspired
I agree and think that the attitude of "oh their music sucks so good riddance" is a weird and harmful one - what happens when an indie-beloved band has similar allegations? Do we then give them a pass? Do we pretend their music sucked? The quality of their music has NOTHING to do with how good/bad people they are, and for that to be the main takeaway for a lot of people makes it seem that the most important thing to some is whether we "lose" a "good" band or not
My birthday is October 8th. Just letting y'all know - no particular reason.
Great write-up. "Bled White" has a strong case for best pop songwriting ever, in my opinion.
1. Attack on Memory 2. Life Without Sound 3. Here and Nowhere Else
You would probably hate it, but then you'd also be wrong, so I'd be OK with it
If its flooded, I feel like Phishing is one of the only activities still on the table, no?
"seven short, and one long, bursts of intense, controlled chaos" sounds like Attack on Memory and I am 100% HERE FOR IT
Precisely, couldn't have said it better myself
As a massive Radiohead fan, let me just remind y'all that "Fitter Happier" is narrated by the 1997 equivalent of Siri
Aquaria? On MY favorite indie music blog? It's more like than you think.
Just because Caitlyn isn't a good representation of what being trans is like does not mean that she isn't trans. Her identity isn't invalidated. It's much more useful to look at why a trans person would still support Trump (among her other questionable actions) than pretend she isn't part of the community.
I think the RBCF vote was probably split between An Air Conditioned Man, Talking Straight, and Mainland, whereas most of these were the clear choice for their given artist
You need some An Air Conditioned Man in your life
Robyn did a similar thing when I saw her at Boston Calling - morphed all her songs into one long samba mix, and it was interesting but disappointing.
Regret is the best New Order song don't @ me
The live version from "Show" is even better if you believe that
Cut is the best Cure song don't @ me
We're (read: I'm) spinning the hell out of it at WBRU after wearing out "Mainland" for a few months. It's just tight as hell.
2018 is me not being able to decide between "no tears left to cry" and "Canary Yellow"
There’s debate whether it should actually be reclaimed or not. There’s no universal agreement ATM.
Which gum users have the most big dick energy? Don’t hold back
Actually he was almost electrocuted coming out of the pool! He went to grab a mic but a staff member kicked it away at the last second
Yeah now it’s a personal attack
The new Them Are Us Too album is beautiful
Stereogum confession: Live Through This > Nevermind
Not only do I not “get” Animal Collective, I don’t trust those that do
This is slander of the highest order I will not stand for it