
I can picture all those colors. Just sitting here eating my Pecans.
I’m gonna eat some Pecans, but I have to get a nut cracker first. So that’s probably what I’m going to do.
Christ Buttet and Satan Butter hand soap was a classic. Also The Depression Coloring Book, which was black and came with a grey crayon.
This shit is the special sauce.
When I lived in Baltimore I had a artist friend who made a piece for John Waters called “The Supreme Corks”. It was bubblegum machine that distributed corks each with a tiny portrait of a Justice on them. He told me Waters called him and said he was running out of coins because he wanted to get all the RBG corks before he allowed his friends and family a go at it. This is a sad day. We’ve lost a titan.
Shit, I didn’t know they were still around. Fucking rip!
Holy shit, they’re back! I didn’t see this earlier. I can’t believe they’re all still alive. It’s gonna be a solid day, methinks.
And Winger was definitely robbed.
The worst band ever is Trapt.
This is a terrible take and I don’t care for it.
I discovered this album very recently, and I’ve not stopped playing at least once a week since that day. I don’t know any of the song titles, I just leave it on.
The guy who cock rides Donald Trump is all of a sudden worried about White Supremacy. Can he marry Candace Owens and finally rip my heart from my body? If he’s mentally ill, he is a mentally ill asshole I mean, I’m sure fuck the Forbes guy too, but that’s just a hunch.
It did it with them last year and they’d actually beg to do it on days we were going over their writing. It’s a permanent part of my syllabus now.
Thanks. It’s cool. You should get an avatar tho!
I haven’t actually been around at all lately. I pretty much had to rewrite my entire curriculum to accommodate the at-home piece. My only saving grace is that I’m such a nerd about books, it’s somewhat enjoyable. Gonna do “Never Let Me Go” and “The Underground Railroad” with the Seniors this year. Thanks again, brother.
Sent it to you. Everyone has been so kind. Love you all.
Always loved this song. Really sad.
I’ve been so busy I’ve missed a lot on here. Did we all talk about how the New Flaming Lips is really fucking great?
That was your family?! Man, you all are a good looking bunch of Canadians. Thank you so much. Appreciate you.
They want us to do contact tracing which, awesome all for it, but then they tell us there’s nothing they can do because the Heroes Act it basically decaying on McConnel’s desk and Trump doesn’t want to reward us for being only partially open. We even tried to find a way to get some help through IEP’s so we could take care of the most vulnerable students. Shot that email off to state and federal, and they told us it all depends on passing a bill. I can’t imagine that will happen before the election as both sides think that giving in makes them look bad.
If you want to send it to me, I’ll donate it for you. Just let me know how you can do it. I’ll get back to you tomorrow as I’m completely shot to shit tonight. I’ll talk to you soon. Thanks so much.
I honestly have no idea anymore.
Hey guys. Back to school has been really rough. Congress has decided to sit on any bill that includes money for PPE. I’m doing a fundraiser for my school so we can purchase proper equipment to keep us safe. If you are willing to help, I’ll post the link down below. Any help is appreciated and humbling.
I think the reason they didn’t have a long career as ATDI was that they are still winded from making this video.
New Order is the band bloc and I merge to form Voltron. Here’s a gift from me to my OG Fam.
The book is actually more straight forward and has thriller element to it that the movie decided to tone down. I kinda cool actually, because you can still read the book and not have it be a retread. It really feels like Kaufman got at the idea of experiencing a painting where you are the subject of that makes sense. I’m definitely going to watch it again.
The new Charlie Kaufman film “I’m Thinking of Ending Things” is great if you like what he does. It’s a rare instance where I thought it was better than the book.
I’ve done ayahuasca. It’s pretty rad, but there’s this part where you basically have to vomit for a period of time before it kicks in. That’s actually really awful. Not sure I ever want a round 2.
Have you heard this Special Interest band?
Wow, I’ve been so busy I haven’t heard of that. Is good?
I want to as well. They definitely should’ve allowed for a streaming option though. I’m sure Nolan shot it on rare film woven from the fibers of extinct bamboo and spent a couple billion on IMAX helicopters so you gotta recoup some of that expense. I really want to see it.