
Calm down babes, I'm just joking.
The fact that Neil Young can say "senior advisor at Blackstone" with a straight face is pretty emblematic of his political prowess at this point in his life lol
This song is a fucking 10 you halfwit.
I've actually heard all their albums lol I just don't like them, expect for the obvious MPP
Loved a lot of music today but Shamir was the only album I absolutely needed to put on again as soon as it ended. Played it twice back to back. Bought it on Bandcamp and would have bought a fuckin vinyl if there was one. This coming from someone who hasn't been super excited about anything they've done post-ratchet. Don't sleep on Shamir!
I don't understand animal collective but adore big thief
Around the time of the Michael Jackson HBO doc, THREE YEARS AGO, i made a comment about how maybe MJ deliberately formed a non-sexual relationship w Culkin specifically so he could be a famous witness for the defense one day had any of the allegations come to light. I am not joking when i tell you, literally to this day, I still have MJ stans come for me on Twitter. To this day.
Albarn's comments were shitty and dumb, but its silly to use the term "Trumpian" to describe anything thats shitty and dumb lol.
Dolly is the fucking TRUTH! She should run for President, would 100% win. Our only hope of a non-Trump 2024 presidency.
Her music has never super clicked with me, but this song is really doing it. It might be her voice, she's really belting on this thing.
I almost feel like Charli is gonna pull a Frank Ocean And release Crash then release something else on her own like, the next day.
Finer Feelings is a v underrated Spoon song IMO
I'm so extremely excited for this film.
Giong to see her open for The Weather Station and im mostly going for her.
I specifically remembering downloading Lucky Ones as one of my very first Napster experiences after seeing it on Buffy. She was just on Canada's Drag Race, too!
Love the writeup and love Shamir! Super excited for this album, I think it's gonna sneak up on errbody and be quite a statement album for this year. Y'all stop sleeping on Shamir!
this week is gonna give me indie stones
Big Thief, Shamir, Spoon! What a treat. Also, make Shamir AOTW.
This goooessssss
"country rave-up" "psychedelic honky-tonk" GUYS STOP IM AT A FEVER PITCH