
Personal favorite: She's amazing, well deserved!
Woo! I'm so excited for Joe. I first met him around a decade ago in a park in Chicago. I don't even remember how I found out about the band (probably because he covered a Motion City Soundtrack song) but I remember seeing This Is My Suitcase several times after that, including once in Columbus opening for The Matches. They were always so much fun to see, and The Keys To Cat Heaven is still great. I knew vaguely about Van Dale and saw him post about this album yesterday on Facebook. I am so happy for Joe and can't wait to listen!
I saw her open for Andrew Bird when touring this album, and she was *incredible*. But I first saw her when she opened solo for The National in the UK in 2007, and even by herself, you knew she was going to be huge. She commanded everything on that stage with just her guitar and some vocal effects.
Well now all I can think about is a St Vincent/Mitski collab...
Been listening to it again today, too. It's still very good! "Sorry" is probably my favorite song off this album, and initially I wasn't convinced on the demo. As it went on, though, I was super into it. Really awesome how one song can come out two totally different ways.
Why doesn't this song follow me everywhere? She is amazing. I want everything good to happen to her.
I feel like at least when they play in Toronto they always seem to be playing a venue smaller than they should be. I saw them 2 years ago at Velvet Underground, and it was a very small show! I love them, though, and routinely play all 6 (!!!) of their albums straight through. They're all great.
My low-key #1: Tell Me I'm Ok
I love Company (it's my favorite) but I've never seen the doc!! I feel like I need to fix this immediately... and I'm still excited to see this.
I absolutely love this album. I remember being overwhelmed the first time I heard "I Will Possess Your Heart", which is probably still my favorite on this album (in its eight-and-a-half-minutes long glory). Coincidentally, I played the first few songs from this album yesterday, and now I've got it on proper rotation today. And now I'm excited about the new record!
I saw her open for The National in the UK 10 years ago in the back of a bar. She was on her own then, just her and her guitar and maybe a loop pedal. It was one of the more incredible things I'd ever seen. I'm sad her show's not coming to Toronto, but I would love to come full circle and see her play on her own again.
This one appears to have Rih?
I went to UE (go Aces!) and when I was there, there wasn't a whole lot! Usually had to get to Nashville for any good shows, but I did remember going to Boney June's a couple of times. Glad to see things are getting better!
Was there, can confirm it was awesome. My partner and I go to the TSO a lot, and it was so weird seeing people up and dancing at Roy Thompson Hall. But also I couldn't stop smiling the whole time! She was clearly overwhelmed to be there and the whole thing was perfection.
True story: I came to the comments to find fellow IMSA alumni. '06 here!
I'm always here for anyone who loves the most certainly underrated Don't Trust The B.
Does Major Lazer count as "indie"? Because Beyonce has even been doing this since two albums ago.
I'm also irritated because I was hoping Bey would go the trad jazz route when the song opened. I had such high hopes when the song began!
I'm really glad I watched the movie before listening to the album in full. The visuals, poetry, and title cards really gave some context to the tracks that I appreciate having.
Yeah, I really don't understand everyone's "YAS COUNTRY QUEEN" reaction to Daddy Lessons... it's an okay song but I find it kind of out-of-place genre-wise in the context of the album. I think Pray You Catch Me and Sandcastles are great in context. I maybe wouldn't listen to them independently, but I think PYCM is a great album-opener. And the one-two punch of Sandcastles and Forward is great.
I bought it on iTunes this morning...? Didn't see it on Google Play, though.
I agree, although only if we're talking about his blues guitar skills:
I was pretty lukewarm on the song until she started singing. (And, to be fair, I only listened because she was on the track.) Overall the song is okay, but I could listen to her verse forever. Jonas sounds like he's singing with cotton balls in his mouth or something; his voiced is so muffled compared to hers on this track.
I really like "Close", but I think I would like it more if it was just a Tove Lo song. The video is awesome, though.
This is pretty much true. Following this has been very hard to watch. Jian had one of the best defense lawyers money can buy in this city, and she tore apart the credibility of each accuser. It was pretty obvious the judge was going to find him not guilty if you were following the trial, mostly because the women who accused him were not reliable witnesses in the eyes of the court.
As a lindy hopper and casual Andrew Bird fan, I can't tell what to think about this. I am mostly disappointed that I could not find a picture of Andrew Bird in a zoot suit.
I saw him years ago when St Vincent was his opener. It was a beautiful show all round. Have an excellent time!
Commit This To Memory is probably one of the best pop punk records of all time. No matter how old I get, no matter how many things change, I still can listen to that album over and over. It's like revisiting a movie at different times in your life. Guh, I'm going to miss this band.
Rainer Maria! Oh man. A Better Version Of Me was a go-to for me during my high school days. Also, I hope I'm not the only one here who is heartbroken that Motion City Soundtrack is retiring after this last set of shows. Panic Stations was low-key one of my favorite 2015 albums!
When I first moved to Toronto, one of my friends convinced me that strippers have coin slots in their shoes that people could deposit loonies and toonies into. I still believe it to this day!
My Anguillian friend swears by Albert's! I haven't had a chance to go to either, but I always go to Pam's for roti. Toronto!
Is it just the Canadian CityTV stream... or is LL's mic not part of audio mix? Because he's just echoes and nothing for me right now.
The worst part about this whole thing is I kind of don't 100% disagree with what Jay is saying but HE THINKS PEOPLE PAY $6 FOR WATER AND THAT TAP WATER IS FREE. How can anyone want to believe in this mission of his when he's so fucking disillusioned?
This is a terribly belated comment, but I loved this article so much. I introduce at least one person to Max Martin a week, and will share this with many of them now. I spent nearly all my preteen and teenage years with Nick Carter's face plastered all over my binders, and listening to these songs brought back some great memories.
Can we please talk about this quote? Not sure if I missed it in a previous post: "People really feel like music is free, but will pay $6 for water. You can drink water free out of the tap and it's good water. But they're okay paying for it. It's just the mindset right now." One of Jay's problems is apparently not his utility bills...
I'm on the same boat :( him and Seth Meyers were my only reasons for watching the show. I hope Hader does a ton of awesome things now!
JUST TODAY I REALIZED YOUR USERNAME IS NOT "BADIDA JEANS". I was wondering for the longest time what the hell "badida" jeans were. Friday!