
Well, it's better than I'd have expected but honestly don't think it even comes particularly close to being a good song.
I've reached a saturation point with both Future and Thug at this point. Hope they start branching out and trying some new things with their music or I seriously doubt I'll enjoy anything either puts out again.
*their. Or just eliminate the word products and it works too.
It's impossible to step up for reebok, they're products are straight up garbage
I get that the video makes a lot of people uncomfortable, what I don't understand is why that's a bad thing. 99% of the music videos I see these days inspire absolutely no feelings in me at all, so a video that makes you feel any kind of way should be viewed as an artistic achievement.
We should be getting Billy Corgan's opinions on the Brexit soon and Chris Brown's Donald Trump endorsement soon too
Came to say this but decided not too fearing I'd get downvoted and lectured to hell. Glad to see you took the risk and it paid off. I guess it's finally ok to acknowledge how awful this woman is.
Wouldn't it be great if drunk Ben Affleck rant became a weekly segment on the show?
I was so hoping Bill would be able to get the band back together and bring on Barnwell and Lowe as well as a host of others. Grantland was one of my favorite sites and losing it was devastating.
Not to mention we finally got Julian Casablancas covering the Velvet Underground which felt long overdue
I wonder if the carpet matches the drapes, as they also say.
I grew up in Broomfield meaning I've probably walked right by this dude at King Soopers at some in my life completely unaware that I was in the presence of the most badass old man that town has ever seen.
Was able to watch the Viceland stream of the strokes set, and holy shit. That has to be the best set they've played since they got back together from the hiatus in 2010. Not only did they finally actually have that intensity back that they always used to, but they sounded awesome. I mean the band always sounds great, even when they've seemed uninterested these past few years. But hearing what sounded like vintage 2002 Julian Casablancas was a fucking treat.
That's the problem with making a first impression that good, from there on out everyone's just gonna be let down. I think in 10 years people will look back and realize the critics were wrong about both Interpol and The Strokes and that both bands have made pretty consistently great music throughout their careers that's been unfairly written off because it didn't live up to the incredibly high standards of their debuts. Other bands too, but those are the two that immediately come to mind.
i hope Julian's next project is called "Julian Casablancas & The Shrugs"
My exact thoughts during that spoken intro
I think you either missed her point or are choosing to ignore it. She's saying that with all of the huge problems our country is facing, including major corruption in our government, issues such as who has to use the men's room and who has to use the women's are being used to distract us. Obviously she's not saying the issues Trans people are facing aren't important, but that we should be forcing our politicians answer the questions about the mess that is the Middle East, the economy, and the corrupt bullshit they've pulled in their careers instead of whether they think a persons genitals or gender identity should determine what toilet they use...
Honestly I'll take Cialis and Mom Jeans over flower crowns and selfie sticks any day of the week
Yeah, this is a hell of an album. I've only listened twice though and haven't been able to bring myself to listen again yet. Been a rough year for me so far and listening to this brings it all back up. Honestly though I think that tells me all I need to know about how powerful this shit is. AOTY race looks to be over and it's only May. Well done boys
It's actually happened a few times and the last time he did at least nod at me as he took the last string cheese from my fridge
Saying French Montana is "not the worst" is probably being a bit generous. There's a strong possibility he's the actual worst. Who else could manage to put out a song with a Kanye and Nas feature and have it be this bland and forgettable? I can't even remember if I just listened to it
I'd still have to say that title belongs to "The Daily Mail"
I was getting my haircut when the news came on the radio and from there out the modern alternative pop whatever bullshit station switched over to all Prince. Just goes to show how deep the love runs for the guy. My fucking hair stylist who I only see every three or four months cause I'm a lazy fuck even mentioned that he remembered I was born in Minneapolis and asked if my family is gonna be really bummed out about this. Damn right they are
And you're forgetting fucking Dylan. 2016 is coming and we need to build a wall around these people because this cold blooded killing machine of a year is coming after everyone. Only one I'm not worried about is Iggy cause that it'd make too much sense for this year to take him from us too, and nothing about Iggy Pop makes sense.
Pretend? I don't know who you hang around but I don't really know anyone who takes their music seriously that wasn't already a Bowie or Prince fan long ago, or at least respected the originality and talent they had and all the ideas and trends that they started. I get what you're saying about people acting like they cared about a musician or celebrity of any kind right after they die, but you're definitely underestimating the impact and influence Bowie and Prince had on so many of us.
Also, as ashamed as I am to admit it, I attended my fair share of pop-punk shows in high school and this kind of thing isn't out of the ordinary at all. People hop on stage all the time to dive off, and if you don't do it quick and just stand there too long you can expect a shove (if you're lucky) or a whack in the back from a guitar (if you aren't) to get your ass back where it belongs
Yeah, the dude's clearly a douche but I can't feel sorry for the girl at all. Fans don't belong on the stage at a concert unless they're invited up. It's no different than the drunk shirtless asshole that decides to run on the field during a football game and deservedly gets his ass laid out by security. You're asking for punishment by inserting yourself somewhere you're clearly not supposed to be.
I really hope Jay and 'Ye and the gang aren't too oblivious to realize all of this Tidal exclusive bullshit accomplished nothing except causing people to resent Tidal more than they already had.
So sick of T Swift. At first I liked her well enough seeing as she's one of the few ultra popular hit makers who's songs are generally a step above mediocre, but it's just gotten so old. Can we get a new white girl with catchy over produced tunes (or better yet, someone who's completely not that at all) to take over as America's sweetheart?
Probably something to do with the space needle
1a. Sound and Vision 1b. Rock n' Roll Suicide
I'm just gonna go ahead and play devils advocate in saying that I would most definitely include Let's Dance in that category of really fuckingn great ones. I don't care what the people say
No way Sturgill isn't top ten considering Metamodern Sounds is a lot better than anything 90% of the artists on this list have put out in the last few years
Kanye Frank Ocean Radiohead Strurgill Simpson Spiritualized The Strokes Japandroids RTJ Vampire Weekend Brand New Gorillaz MGMT If half of these actually happen 2016 is probably gonna top 2015 for me off those alone, which would be amazing since 2015 was my favorite year of music in a long time. Add to that the fact that we already lnow we're getting new Bowie, Last Shadow Puppets, Animal Collective, Drake, Savages, and Death Grips among a swath of other notable upcoming releases and I think it's safe to say it's gonna be a pretty special year (unless a large number of these artists manage to put out disappointing or mediocre material which is always a possibility).
The stereo mixes are seriously so bad. Makes listening on headphones almost unbearable.
There was one clip I saw where he's talking about the guy from the start of Prometheus. I'd like to know how the conversation reached that point
Thank you! 80's Comedown Machine is easily my favorite song on that album which I actually think is pretty good and under rated on the whole. I don't know, I feel like if the strokes can put out another good record or two to close out the decade and actually tour and promote them and insert themselves back into a relevant position in the music world these post-Room on Fire albums will have a much more positive reputation than they do now. Same time though, they've been an incredibly frustrating band because of what they could have been. After Is This It they could have spent the next five years becoming the biggest rock band in the world (if the black keys can do it I have no doubt the strokes could have had they chosen that path) and actually made a real impact. where as it stands they've got a great fan base that loves almost everything they've done, but they kind of came and went without ever making much of a mark on the music scene as a whole. They've yet to make good on that "Saviors of Rock n' Roll" title