
Need to drive engagement. Need to generate clicks. Mission accomplished but hopefully you feel gross. Probs not, but hopefully.
This song/video is impressively vacant. Sort of the inverse of memorable.
double lol for removing "least important" sg. you were right the first time.
"Azealia Banks and Elon Musk are officially engaged in one of the pettiest and least important he-said-she-said dramas of all time." aaaaaaand now here's a whole article about it lol.
I think it's funny that you said "for my synthesizer"
People already starting the handwringing over them dating in these comments. Realize that your fandom has no influence on an artists personal life and that you liking their output doesn't entitle you to have a say in their lives.
I'm not sure the ceiling on HC music could be lower. What differentiates this from the vast ocean of chuga chugs that came before it? This is the sound a 13 year old on long island makes when they get an ibenez for their birthday. Absolute garbage.
Such a shame to break up before anyone had ever heard of them. Sad.
terrible burn attempt. doesn't sound anything like coldplay. be better.
When the byline says "Associated Press" does that just mean that y'all copied and pasted an AP story here? Teasing out them clicks has never come so easy huh?
I feel like we’re majorly overlooking the fact that Lisa Prank is god awful. Just the most grating, talentless, boring, shallow music in existence. I have no great affinity for Elon Musk but I am sad that this situation has given any attention whatsoever to someone so completely and utterly awful.
"I think Kanye saying if we could see issues like children do - in extremely simple terms of right vs wrong with no preconditions " Is that how children see the world tho? Do you know that or do you just FEEL that? Nvm I know the answer to both questions.
That's how we got anti vaxxers and trump.
I mean a child's curiosity leads to learning leads to growing beyond acting on just feelings and leads to becoming an adult with responsibility. I think maturity is the word for it. Being in a bubble of wealth and fame where you don't have to engage with the actual world and therefore don't have to grow up isn't preserving childlike curiosity, it's being full on peter pan syndromed and treats ignorance as a virtue. In Kanye's case you mix that with his 10th level narcissism and it makes him feel like every stupid sentiment he expresses is some kind of profound revelation.
"I’m canceled. I’m canceled because I didn’t cancel Trump.” He's EXACTLY the same as trump in that everything is about him. As if he alone could cancel trump. Of course he fucking loves trump.
"Just standing up and saying what you feel, and not even doing a lot of research on it. Having a political opinion that’s overly informed, it’s like knowing how to dress, as opposed to being a child — “I like this.” I hear Trump talk and I’m like, I like the way it sounds, knowing that there’s people who like me that don’t like the way it sounds." This quote is the whole thing wrapped in a bow. He's essentially like, "I don't want to have to know too much or think too hard. I just want to feel things like a child." It's such a meaningless way to look at the world .
Man this looks like it was at least more than a little inspired by this fischerspooner vid that came out a few months ago.
I'm not sure I follow. Consumers have a responsibility when it comes to what they consume and critics have a responsibility when it comes to what they critique. My point is that I think TB's only real problem with XXX is the things he's accused of doing and not the content of his music which I think deserves inspection. My point is reinforced by the fact that lil peep has the same problem with the content of his music but doesn't have the same stigma of being abusive so gets a pass in that regard. If you don't think the content of either of their music is toxic, that's fine, but I disagree with you. I think that XXX's music is an expression of toxicity which was also expressed through his actions. I'm not advocating censorship, I'm pointing out what I think is a blind spot in this article.
That's exactly my point. Peeps creative output was just as toxic but he was glorified. If the bar for entry is just never having been horribly physically abusive, that's a pretty low bar.
hmm I mean you say that but you also wrote this: Lil Peep has a lot of lyrical similarities/problems so that kinda undercuts your point.
"if this burst of energy and creativity had come from a less toxic artist, I would’ve been all over it." This is actually the thesis of your article whether you're aware of it or not. His creative energy WAS toxic. You only struggled with whether or not to write about it because you didn't want to get called out because he was the most extreme kind of terrible person. If that was not the case you'd be able to understand that there is no separating toxicity. It's a feature, not a bug. Look at the lyrics to this song: If he hadn't been a monster in his personal life this would have been cool with you? One huge problem is that there's an audience for toxic artists. Another huge problem is that a lot of writers haven't thoroughly considered the framework for how they think/write about these artists/their art.
This band has been so constantly good and interesting for a long time and they just keep continuing to make artistic strides. They're way underrated.
Can't wait to hear the new record. Seems like they're in top form.
Arcade Fire are good. Coldplay doing Arcade Fire is terrible. The song Viva La Vida almost sounds like it's supposed to be funny.
Isn't this the one where the singer decided that Arcade Fire were the best band in the world so he made everyone wear arm bands and got a string section? Yeah, this record is terrible.
These guys look like they're claymation.
Gossip reporting is trashy and sucks.
All hail Pusha T the guy who shit on someone with MS for publicity. This is such TMZ garbage and the way that TB writes about it so gleefully is gross gross gross.
Both of these people seem like giant assholes and two rich people taking cheap shots at each other for the sake of their egos is BORING.
This song is so stupid but somehow I don't hate it.
Hmm that isn't my takeaway. I don't think it matters that he brought up a white girl to sing and it it's not entrapment. He brought up a fan, she did something thoughtless, he corrected her, she apologized, end of story. People make mistakes. This post is horrible because a) this isn't news and b) in trying to make it news the writer not only ignores how ugly the reaction itself to this situation was, but says unbelievably stupid things like calling her an "almost perversely confident white lady" and that this video is "a masterpiece of awkwardness." Both of these statements are so absurd I can't believe someone actually wrote them. PERVERSELY confidant??? Gimmie a break.
Like it was clearly thoughtless and she was clearly sorry. I just don't know what the point of this post is at all.
In poor taste for sure but so is the tweet you link calling her a bitch where another person can be heard saying "fuck you bitch, fuck you." This isn't really news or worthy of a post in the first place but the fact that none of that apparently stood out to you is questionable as hell.
Yikes. I think this is what a band that's out of ideas sounds like.
I can see a future where stereogum is exclusively articles about albums turning 20. It can be called the "Happy Birthday Album Blog"
I think its easy to compare this Cocteau Twins because it is a direct rip off of Cocteau Twins.
The slow breakdown in this sounds like that saves the day song cars and calories. Which is to say not good.