
Pretty sure The Stones more or less stomp on her, and Bruce, as far as anything related to top 5's, let alone #1 albums, which I believe last count was twelve. Regardless, pretty great accomplishments.
Yaay for Beyonce. wtf.
These are just insanely self absorbed people who just have no concept of how the real world turns. I wish they would stop thinking they can speak for the rest of us. "Life is easy go?"
This is a true comment....prob get railed for this comment, oh well, but relative to celebrities, I cannot seem to understand the constant lovefest that pours out for Biden. Realize I am simply asking out of curiosity. Is it a Democrat thing, or is it this dopey thought that he should be president because he's somehow a 'nicer' guy with easier to hug values and a better disposition? I never hear any of them address the real issues behind their "stances" just continue to pelt that Trumps a dope and Bidens 'right for the country.' If its healthcare, then OK I'll go with that as a start. Its a carbon copy for how they all felt about Obama. Listen I'm not really for either of these guys (they're both clueless and way out of their league) but what I think I'm beginning to understand is that Trump is right in the respect that we cannot continue to shut this country down, and wouldn't these dopehead actors/actresses/ musicians want that for their personal well being and own livelihoods? (asking for a friend)
Its really good...goes well with that After Dark 3 release. My disco nerves are tingling today.
In the meantime, when we lose them, they'll get rich cuz of us! Then we'll look back with pride, our babys all grown up, and like fledglings we sent them to the sky. Fuck, I'm drunk. 2020.
Dreams aside, I think wishing for some crossover indie to pop hope is like a white whale. It just cannot happen. Even if said crossover were to happen, you lose the indie base simply based on popularity. Let's just all agree to keep enemy from state...we'll stay on our side of the fence and they'll stay on theirs and when we lose them, it'll be bittersweet but another will come along...
That's some ballsy headline clickbait...I wish it was true but, for whatever reasons, its just never seems to pan out. I think Eilish is as close as we'll get(and that machine is already breaking down by the second for obvious reasons) and Let's Eat Grandma is as far away as we'd ever hope, but dammit I'm rootin for this chick.
But its a helluva lot better of an opinion than yours.
There was no bigger fan of Eddie than Sammy. Every time they played, you could just see how happy Hagar was to be on stage with him. They made the best music with Dave, but that band was so much happier with Sam.
Spanish Fly seems to hit home tonight. Off the first, nothing rips better than I'm The One..
Was 10 when I discovered Eddie. 1980. Needless to say soon after that I was 'smoking' candy cigarettes and fretting on a tennis racket to Eruption with my bedroom door close in no time. RIP're why I fell in love with rock and roll.
Surprised this didn't get more comments...Hamilton does these dirty low confessions so well.
That Jesse Kivel gives me such 2020 New Order goodness vibes.
Its funny, I have mowing the lawn albums, running albums, driving albums, among many other situational albums, but the 'doing the dishes' album is always so satisfying...
Yeah but dude, we don't know you, or your brother, or the reasons why you feel listening to Prince would be 'literal hell.' Its like your texting us on a phone when we don't have your number. Maybe we could process and debate with you and your personal melodramatic Prince hate, now that would be a thread, or I tell ya what, send your brother over here, he sounds cool.
Let me get this actually believe a movie is why people like the Pixies? You are so damn cute, run back to your xBox.
I'll tell ya what literal hell is...reading comments from people who have zero relevancy. Its like wasting eye space.
Must start with The Bends...its the perfect prelude to OKC. After that, throw a dart.
That Rosenstock track simply rips.
Its like hopped up Chromatics
Really is...perfect seasonal timing.
Not sure she'd really care about being grouped with Hirsch. Her intent has never used 'thorniness' as her angle.
I think he's deliberately showcasing more of the fillers with most of his early singles. I feel like the album itself has monster tracks lurking until release. I may be in one sided camp but it seems as if the more adventurous artists are almost settling into a more accessible approach with their new albums and I think its because without touring and that loss of revenue, they are opting for sure shots as opposed to testing boundaries in order to gain more album sales. Sufjans are a prime example. These releases feel almost safe....not that I don't love them, but it does seem as if he wants to make sure he throws out a wide net with these and settling into a more listenable approach.
Well, she did just win her 2nd Grammy in 2018 so its not like she hasn't gotten her due credit. Mann is one of those rare artists that has actually gotten better with age.
This cat don't know what he wants...hes a compulsive gambling blue hair with a bag a nickels at a slot machine
Said anyone that's ever listened to a Washed Out song
Seriously, who really gives a fuck about the Grammys anymore. You did nothing more than allow yourself to pick up a useless award that now has your own piss on it. Job well done.
Now THAT will unquestionably be the best thing you listen to this week.
Whats even better is if you watch the 'drum off' he had with her, he was clearly not playing the drums well on purpose, which only adds to the overall awesomeness of this whole thing. Many would have just ripped the solo.
Really?? Scholarly analysis? On Star Wars? You don't say...
What takes Crowes movies to the next level are his soundtracks. He seems to know exactly which song to play at the exact right moment. Its uncanny. Scorseses always done music soundtracks well too. It's impossible not to consider their music choices as important as any other aspect of their films.
Whatta I know tho...I'm just one of the 'out of focus' guys.
Overthinking this a titch don't ya think? Its merely a coming of age story with 70's rock fandom as a back drop. No different than Star Wars simply Good vs. Evil with a buch of funny looking aliens and hyperspace. Its no Decline of Western Civilization Metal Years but hey it scratches the rock and roll fantasy camp box. Fun read tho. Love this movie, just don't take it seriously.