
Didn't Destroyer release an immaculate new single this week?
I think it's offensive because blowjobs are against God/nature/the law (in like Oklahoma). Right? Guys?
Nah. He made a mint off of Eminem. Plus, the fact that he's white and an asshole aside, very few to this day have the technical chops he does.
I've been rocking Poison Season by Destroyer since it leaked and it's been a ubiquitous part of my summer. Dream Lover or Times Square are both pretty dope.
Another lovely track. Psyched for the album
My first thought upon seeing the photo too. I dig the cover a lot btw. Just goes to show how strong the melodies are in the original.
To be fair, there are many, many people happy to see police in riot gear at a rap concert. They're the ones that say Thanks Obama without a hint of irony.
The Ducktails album was initially underwhelming, but I've grown to enjoy it quite a lot.
Wow, really interesting interview/write up. I was only 12 when Kids came out so didn't see it for a few years after, but had the soundtrack and LOVED "Natural One". Interesting to read Barlow recount his failure to make it big but his large involvement in the film. I saw Sebadoh maybe 4 years ago at a fucking house show in Florida. It was a sweet show, but I was shocked they'd play a house show. Still am. Kids has a special place in my heart, but I tend to like tasteless shock-value movies and pretty much everything Korine's been involved with. Surprised to learn he wrote Ken Park at the same time as Kids since it didn't come out til way later. Will definitely need to revisit the sdtk and check out that Folk Implosion album.
Didn't know where else to post this, but seems fitting enough:
Not as immediate or pop-leaning as anything on Ultraviolence, but it shore is purty. Kinda hoping the whole album isn't in this exact vein, but big ups to her for sticking to her vision and making something timeless and classy rather than going for a mono genre chart-topper. Will be interesting to see how this album turns out.
I feel the same way about this album as the war on drugs' last one. The production is great, the songwriting is solid, the music is intricate and complex and there's some undeniably catchy stuff, BUT - I just don't like the respective genres that are being pastiche-d and the overall aesthetic of the albums. Oh well.
Automaically equating 'rockism' with racism is so fucking stupid/lazy.
They're all just underwear and toothbrushes though, basically
Not sure how spoken word albums typically work, but if he throws some sweet finger picked guitar in there in the background I'll check it out.
More like Rita ORAL. Amirite!? Too soon?
Why do you 100% disagree? Maybe someone's fame and power and wealth gives them the platform to affect change and thus something of an obligation to use it for good, but to foist political agendas into all forms of art and to have the obligation to do so seems perverse. That kind of logic just reeks of the liberal progressivism that just grows narrower and narrower in what it allows and begins to resemble the conservative dogma it was designed to combat. Maybe I'm misreading your intentions, but I'm a strong believer in the absolute freedom of artistic expression and think anything endangering or censoring that is a step way the hell back.
She called herself bitchy from the looks of it. And there are lots of women that are very serious and humorless onstage that don't get flack for it. I think it's just that she used to be more affable and now not so much now that she's the wise old age of 29. I think in this case any negative reaction from fans is based on her past demeanor as a performer rather than that all female performers need to be cheerful and talkative or else they're a bitch.
But what are the Linkin Perks of joining? Ok, you win.
I'd go with: 1. Father John Misty -I Love You... 2. Sufjan Stevens - Carrie... 3. The Tallest Man on Earth - Dark Bird... 4. Sun Kil Moon - Universal Themes 5. Panda Bear - PB Meets... 6. Braids - Deep in the Iris 7. Christopher Owens - Chrissybaby... 8. A$AP Rocky - ALLA 9. Eskimeaux - ok 10. Ryley Walker - Primrose I have a feeling the latter half of the year is going to deliver some serious goods
Both of these new tracks are really pleasant and nice (like all their stuff). I was just listening to Almanac and The Swamps the other day, and these guys are just so consistent. This one is shaping up to be as good if not better.
They know it's BNM material (took me a few spins to come to this realization, but it's a really great album), but he shit-talked them by name and I'm sure they're afraid of appearing insensitive in the face of his recent stunt by lauding him. Oh well. Maybe they're just waiting for the dust to settle (or his inevitable forthcoming controversy) to pop the review. I'm sure it'll get mad hits.
Speaking out against intolerance with even more intolerance is a great way to be taken seriously.
This is great. Maybe the best I've heard from Ducktails. Excited for the new record.
This is the only song that needs to be played:
All you're gonna get is "Laura Snapes Blues". It's pretty much inevitable. Can't wait. Hopefully sung in falsetto.
I guess I must not understand what offended means then. That other thread sure seemed To have a lot of angry, offended people in it. I think Kozelek is hilarious. If he's so at another's expense he wouldn't be the first. Dude has fun. I dig it.
I'm with this guy. Getting offended on behalf of others (especially this bullshit) is such a waste of energy. She's obviously intelligent enough to get her digs in and save face. She doesn't need any help from a bunch of 20somethings who say these outraged things so their newsfeeds make them look caring and progressive. Yeah it was crass. I also think it's kinda funny. But I like to laugh. And I'm a SWM. #noapologies
I pretty much agree. This is weak. Worse than Mind Rafts for sure though (I enjoyed a couple of those songs pretty well). I have more faith in an Amber Coffman solo release, but hopefully this one will have some better cuts than this.
I could give a shit about any of this (although I'm goddamn sick of white guy stereotyping and hate - not to mention all stereotyping and hate), but since you like debating: 1. Isn't this (the Koz statement/song that sparked this) in a performative context? 2. Is glorifying rape vs using the term "bitch" and saying said bitch wants to fuck him really analogous? Both are misogynistic, but one just seems way worse and more dangerous/reprehensible to me. Love the new A$AP btw.
There's a lot of people in this world. So there's probably at least one.
I had a dream that the bassist said a bunch of racist, misogynist shit on 4chan and people got super up in arms about it and he got banned from the indienet. I'll keep my $10k tho. It's just so real in my mind. Also something about heroin.
I kinda got this impression from the singles, but am bummed to hear this. Guess I'll have to decide for myself when I get a chance to spin this. The stream isn't working for me tho in either safari or chrome, but I'm a couple iOS update releases behind.
Yeah, that was fun stuff. Esp when the first time all I got was a local with no painkillers for close to 3 hrs while I sat separated by a curtain from a redneck who vehemently refu over and over to let the doc stick a finger up his butt. They put three different tubes in me - each time finally realizing this thing wasn't gonna plug itself up. Finally had to do the pleurodesis surgery. Mine collapsed from a big ole hit of reefer in my dorm room. How bout you? Were you ever a runner btw? I hear that's a commonality in addition to the tall/thin/male part
I was a victim of spontaneous pneumothorax (left side) in my teen years as well, though I'm a paltry 6'1. Reppin my pleurodesis scar to this day.
Excuse Me was a quick favorite. For my money, M'$ is the easy standout. Also really like lpfj2, better things and everyday.
This would've been a lot better with more sister and less mister