
Love the homage to the Antlers' Epilogue around 1:07 in Mustang
Also kinda works for The Outer Worlds, which I just finished last night and thought you meant by "Outer Wilds" before googling and learning there was a new game I had to try
Looking back it's also wild to remember that the Philly-area alt-rock station at the time (Y100, RIP) actually played the album from start to finish over the air on its release day. It was that big a deal. Can't really picture something like that happening on mainstream radio again maybe ever?
There was a night where I was driving with a friend or two. Guess I was 17 or 18. It was a little chilly, but not enough to make you want to roll the windows up. Idioteque came on, and that moment was when this album (and Radiohead) finally clicked for me. Still not sure I've ever heard an album quite like it
The Lockett songs always had a tighter hold on me, and Desire Lines still comes up on my shuffle every so often. Unbelievable track
The mother/son dance at my wedding was to a Van Morrison song and I take great pride in the memory of that day being Totally Sucker-Free so it'd be nice if someone whispered in Van's ear to knock it the heck off
So which is better: A no-warning surprise drop without singles and hype building, or a multi-month rollout with 3-4+ singles? Think I might lean the former so this is cool!
Hooked from the first track. Gives off pretty strong Martha vibes!
Making your 'gum debut with an Alicia Keys interview is the music blog equivalent of Ichiro winning Rookie of the Year and MVP in 2001
"JUST FOR CLARITY" proclaims tweet that clears up absolutely nothing
Right! It's a ridiculous hang-up but at least I've gotten to learn so much about Blackpool grime this weekend so it's not a total loss
there's obviously a ton to unpack here, but i can't get past how Millie is...reading her own lyrics off a phone to lip sync to in her music video?
I'm one of those who did things backward (heard Mars Volta first, then went back to ATDI), but Cedric gets a huge amount of credit for breaking me in to surrealist and weird-as-shit lyrics that didn't need to mean anything to my teen brain in the moment to still feel like sledgehammers
late cap tip to Wet's T2 cover since i don't see it called out here yet. really nice double surprise of a band i haven't checked out yet covering a song i'd never heard and immediately scratching the bedroom-pop itch i've got these days
look at this photograph
This was happening right after release so you may need to clear browser cache or try in incognito mode, something like that
Hearing that bass intro brought the biggest dumbass smile to my face, that cover is great
Need a listening party thread
Yeah I'm very ready to give this my own AotW honor if only the password demon would let me have it
Had to catch myself from thinking I was listening to a St. Lucia b-side. Dig it.
Everything Everything delayed their release back to Sep. 11, but "gleaming and theatrical" sure makes it sound like another drop of theirs I'm gonna love the titular Sean and Robin Pecknold of Josh's former haunt Fleet Foxes?
In a lifetime full of arguments that're essentially either 1-star or 5-star reviews, the 2- 3- and 4-star points are the new precious gems
Not to totally turn this comment section into a full derail but that track is a stone-cold classic
Alright so this means we're 2/3 of the way toward a boygenius cover of The Donnas, very nice very cool
You'll forgive me if I fail to pick up on the notes of giddiness anywhere in this story or the events it describes
It's Cameo. Vote for Cameo.
I feel like these are all scare tactics on the part of A(ntebellum) and that this wouldn't stand a chance in court, but I'll need to know the minute a legal defense fund launches so I can contribute and help the real Lady A stand up to this nonsense
Alright, I really think this band is great and if more folks want an introduction I want to try and help. So if you prefer a track sampler to start, here are 11 tracks in something of an order starting with most "accessible" (please don't pick that apart too much). I don't feel very strongly about If Children so no tracks from that album are on it, but otherwise I tried to mix it up a bit between albums and styles. Hope this helps convert someone into a fan.
Without a doubt. That's a universal top 10 track
I'd honestly suggest any of Civilian, Tween, or The Louder I Call... to start, with Shriek, The Knot, and If Children to explore later
Our battle to defend Oldplay is eternal
Definitely would've loved an album centered around Fortune, for sure
A protest anthem as only these two could do it. Typically beautiful
His point is valid, and also overshadowed by my inability to stop giggling at "Charlie Puth is hungies"
Although I guess if he goes independent he still has time. I'd just rather plug my ears and la-la-la this whole thing away
Yeah. Would've been nice to have had this called out in the body of the post.