
I wouldn't be surprised if Billboard did count the energy drink bundles. It would be very in character if they weren't enough to get him to #1 because whoever gave Khaled that 100k sold figure was actually just trying to appease his ego by fudging sales figures for his no name, presumably ass tasting energy drink.
Everyone knows you write a Zedd song by stealing other people's work and adding a ticking clock noise.
1) He should be catching shit for that. 2) Society hates teenage girls.
I can tell this is a story about Tinder because I hate everyone in it (except you, Julia, you're cool).
I'm proud to be responsible for this lol
I fucked the sheriff (but I did not screw the deputy).
Shut the fuck up, you overton window blinded cow. There is nothing left-wing about defending Nazis from violence, dumbass.
She should absolutely stay the fuck out of music, good god.
It's hard for centrists to learn, they don't have brains.
Fair enough, humor is somehow even more subjective than music.
Finally bothered listening to Dedicated. No idea what all the complaints are about, it's excellent. You know what else is excellent? That new Denzel Curry album. Easily the only new release I care about this week.
I don't have anything involving music and I'm not sure if it fits the theme, but I'll take any excuse to recommend Noam Chomsky's Manufacturing Consent.
Send some beard hairs to Azealia Banks.
Mediocre. 5/10. Didn't laugh once, mildly unrealistic, character faced no actual consequences for her actions despite everything she did, will concede Hailee Steinfeld can act very well.
I've been seeing the "2049 is better than the original" take a lot lately. Giving it another year before I actually take a side. Can definitely count myself excited for Dune, though. That's bound to be real fun, especially in comparison to the Lynch version.
Three Michael Jackson songs. Didn't take long for that to be safe to do again.
The only thing even remotely surprising is that this didn't happen immediately after launching Apple Music.
Not bad. Definitely not her best, but the chorus has a melody to it. How apt that her last evaluation perfectly summed up her career trajectory follow the debut as a "fall from the clouds."
The Witless era rolls on, shameless as ever.
Holy shit, she finally figured out what "new song" means. Looking forward to this one.
Less than mediocre.
Billboard really needs to find a way to combat album bundles that clearly only exist to artificially inflate sales. The charts should be the closest reflection of the public's interest in a product on its own merits, not the result of merchandise and tour manipulation. That said, congratulations to the artist far more deserving of the accolade.
God, look, guys, I know you need that hate click ad revenue, but if you could just stop reporting on this guy and spreading his fascist bullshit, that'd be great.
Remember when World War II was won by the Allies refusing to fight back and simply insisting the Axis stop being such big meanies? Neither do I.
I think it's high time someone throw a milkshake at this guy.
The Jonas Brothers and Halsey have a lot in common to me. Both make music that, in theory, I would enjoy. The problem is, for lack of better terminology, they fucking suck. J. Bro & The Sunshine Band sound more monopop than a white noise machine fucking a metronome and Halsey has routinely come up with songs that, while not necessarily bad ideas, consistently end up feeling underwritten and overmixed, making it all feel cramped, sterile, and lazy, kind of like the Jonas Brothers' solo careers.
"I'm really happy to be here, babe." "I'll be happy when you're feeding maggots underground 5,000 miles away from me."
Always wanted to know what Sublime smelled like during a violent gangbang.
That's a misnomer. The 100 is for the deluxe edition re-release. Almost every high-profile re-release has a 100 score on Metacritic because all the the reviews for it are filled with endless enthusiasm for the writer's favorite kind of music: Literally anything they heard when they were a teenager.
Honestly, her insulting Moby to his face and insisting he be guillotined is the coolest, most based thing I have ever heard of Lana Del Rey doing. If anything, it's one of the first things I've heard of her doing outside her music that hasn't in some way annoyed me.
Are you fucking kidding me? No, seriously? 4 CD players is already batshit insane, but four high quality record players!?!? That's absolutely insane.
Of course they did, that's exactly the kind of short-sighted gimmickry I expect from the modern Lips. While there's obviously stuff on YouTube, I'm especially interested in hearing high quality versions of the official mixdowns. Still better than nothing, obviously, but I'd be interested in seeing the record come to streaming services.
I was grinning ear to ear all the way through that. If there were ever an artist to root for being famous forever, it's a former tweetdecker completely self-aware of how ridiculous his own notoriety is. He absolutely deserves a second hit, and, judging by his Twitter, he's packing quite of a few of 'em.
This is absolutely the write-up The Soft Bulletin deserved, so much so that I can't say anything beyond that and would instead like to ask a question adjacent to it. Weren't there plans to re-release Zaireeka in a stereo mix at some point? As far as I'm concerned, having been recorded in the same sessions, that's essentially an album of Soft Bulletin b-sides more than worth hearing, if only for curiosity's sake. While I have enjoyed every full-length they've put out since, with the exception of Yoshimi and Oczy Mlody, getting to hear more from what specifically produced an album this masterful feels like an infinitely exciting proposition.
From the perspective of someone who has no prior experience with Tyler beyond thinking Flower Boy sucked ass, this is phenomenal.
Time to say I like The 1975 and hate Vampire Weekend and The National before immediately ducking my head to escape being beer bottled by angry dads.