
I've tried to not like it as much as i do, but i just can't help it. It's definitely my favorite album of the year so far, and probably my favorite album since "A Seat at the Table".
2011 Gaga is my favorite Gaga for sure.
Holy Jesus mother fuckin Christ
ok but red was good and has taylors best song?
Can i just say im super happy this got album of the week! I know its a slow week but still!
i love that everyone here has been waiting for this song to drop.
Also the kind of shit i can't believe i have such a strong opinion about. FUCKING PAY HIM!!!!!!!
Take Care was a masterpiece and everything since has been bullshit
Congrats to Years & Years in their upgrade to solo Stereogum posts and also on this BOP
Its a nice thought, but i still feel like this isn't really giving enough credit to the project as a whole. Also, this shoulda ended with "WTP". Everything should always end with "WTP".
I think Teyana was like “Ye I need a ‘Fade’ to close out my shit!” And that’s what he gave her!!! It’s a little out of place but I fucking love that shit!
By the end of this I was grinning from ear to ear. This shit is amazing! The tunes are great and ye’s production is really special. I don’t think Ive ever heard him doing this before. Sometimes an album gets to pass by my “2018” playlist and move right to the “best of” playlist and this one does it!! I feel like I been introduced to a really special artist. I’m excited!! Can I just tell u how much WTP is going to rule my summer THANK U TEYANA THANK U YE THANK U CUDI THANK U PUSHA THANK U GOOD MUSIC THIS HAS BEEN SUCH A FUN RIDE!!!!
Im sorry but that sample totally kills this song. If it happened less frequently i wouldn't have as much of a problem but its just so persistent throughout the song, like literally every 5 seconds. Someone needs to make a version without that so i can actually listen to this thing without wanting to jump out my nonexistent office window.
I would like this song if that recurring sample didn't annoy the living fuck out of me. Kinda ruins it for me. It doesn't even fit. And it happens so frequently it kinda feels like torture.
I mean, I believe in the power of personal taste, but BON APPETIT??!!
I mean, I believe in the power of deep cuts, but you're not getting those from Katy. It's all in the singles, baby.
Pop stars are actually the MOST FUN to read too much into. You might be in the wrong place!
It wasn’t included in the original post but what is the problem with updating a story as more news comes in?
maybe the sole reason kanye is doing his wyoming tapes was to trick jay n bey into rush releasing a mediocre album just to fuck with his release schedule. id be ok with it.
Yea I remember when Formation first came out and I was kinda just like “so what” (to the song not the video) and it went on to become one of my fav songs of the year and by Beyoncé in general. Feels like the same thing is happening with this. Good shit!!
Just smoke some fucking weed for Christ’s sake
Tidal: Keeping illegal torrents alive since 2014
IM SEEIN THE MOTHERFUCKIN VOIDZ TONIGHT! I hope Pyramid of Bones melts my face off as much as I expect it will.
Blackout by britney has a 61 on metacritic and is the album of her career and one of the defining pop albums of a generation. People were similarly eager to shit on her at the time given her public meltdown, and i think Kanye is getting the same heat. People were WAITING to trash this album and i think Ye definitely deserves to be graded with a curve in that respect. In no way is this his best album, and yes, honestly probably his worst, but when all you've made are great/good albums, to make a sold B album and have people call it "bad" is a far reach.
in this commercial she looks like if helena bonham carter and yoko ono came together and made some babies
if by critical "meh" you mean 3 great reviews and 1 average than yes this is a completely solid theory as well
U da man, coke! Your third paragraph is everything I been feeling about this past month. I think it’s why I am enjoying it so much more than TLOP. If Kanye really needed to prove himself to us after the pst few months of bullshit, I think he has 100% succeeded.
Kelly got him beat
This song is not from the 3:33 EP it’s actually from the Conexão EP which came out this year and which she also covered Sade on. Also this woman is immensely talented and is gonna be a STAR!
Sure seems like Tom got u some sorta worked up
Cudi Montage going into I Thought About Killing You is pretty dope