
Alternatively, the once very left Krisr Novoselic is now a Citizens United loving libertarian, so I think Dave gets a pass.
Well, he's somewhat disavowed One in a Million and has been pretty vocally anti-Trump, so possibly. Also, Kurt famously sat next to Duff on a plane shortly before his death and they got along well. This might be the whiskey talking, but I think if Axel *has* grown up Kurt would be happy the feud is over and everyone's moved on. Bigger fish and so on.
Um... Rhymefest, Consequence and Aphex Twin (among others) may take issue with that
When you tell Hobbes to set the transmogrifier to "Julian Casablancas" but he chooses "Bono" instead
When did Kim say slavery was a choice again?
“I don’t even know. I don’t know what was lost or what was gained.” This was one of the most refreshingly honest things I've heard in ages.
My takeaway here is that the guy allegedly went through all this and STILL wouldn't just give back the fucking guitar?
*peeks head around corner* You can suffer from mental health issues and also be a problematic douchebag, these things are not mutually exclusive.
What'd you expect them to call it? Belle and Sebastian's Nautical Fuckfest?
Please. Tell me this isnt a real lyric.
You didn't overreact, it's completely scummy. Even if he and the mom don't get along, that's what shared custody is for. Even if they lived in another country he could afford to fly back and forth. And this is one of TWO childten he's never met??
Dave Matthews could learn a thing or two from them, tbh
Do you follow them on FB? He's been regularly giving away old stock and "error" vinyl records (wrong album art or something) for free for about a year now. I sent him an email with my name, address and got a 3-disc Italians Do It Better singles collection, a single by another artist on the label (can't remember off-hand) and a bunch of twin peaks posters. For nothing. Dude is definitely vinyl crazy but is probably the least greediest guy in the industry.
Yay cultural appropriation!
I'm sorry, but I just can't believe you can work alongside someone for 20+ years, sometimes 24 hours a day when on tour, and not have *any* indication of their problematic behavior.
Well, they milkshake ducked pretty damn quickly.
I mean, it just seems so strange a move at this point, especially after finally getting the "classic" lineup back. Plus they tried this move back in 87 and it didnt go so well. Although As long as you Follow was decent.
Wait, is the Stalin quote real? Then maybe this pairing isnt so off...
Also note Billy Preston got no writing credit even though him and Mick wrote the bulk of the song because Keith's a dick.
I mean, if your husband sings about wanting to sleep with another woman and creates a life size nude sex doll of said singer for a music video you're gonna be upset. But mayyyuybe steer some of that blame to said husband
Love it. Part of the reason it took so long was because apparently the studios wanted a reboot and Alex and Keanu were dead set against that.
Def the right thing to do, even if it was just to skirt controversy. I actually noticed a small backlash from butthurt GNR fans over Axel repeatedly tweeting about how much he hates Trump. Is he the reverse Kanye?
Not being rude, seriously, but is there literally ANYTHING Kanye could do that you or certain fans wouldn't dismiss as some level of 12 dimensional chess?
Hmmm.. I don't remember the episode where Rory "accidentally" attends a Bernie Sanders rally, lies about people chanting racist slogans and then got called out by half the twitterverse over it.
He literally *laughed* at the statutory rape of his own neice and defended a man who raped over 50+ people. Jesus. Fucking. Christ.
A) You're not black. And you're not a leftist. B) Kanye sold a white T shirt for $150 C) Kanye could literally burn down an orphanage and you wwhie ass motherfuckers would still die on their hill defending him
SooOooOooo Trump is just a moderate republican in your opinion? When was the last time Kanye spoke out about BLM? It's the unfortunate truth, it's nothing new, and like his music or not we need to stop excusing his relentlessly problematic behavior.
But he just dropped an album with Christine that also featured both Mick and John? I'm thinking it must be something between him and Stevie, that rift never really healed..
If the article was titled "Joy Ann Reid and Peter Daou discuss why medicare should be privatized and the DNC should welcome pro-life dems" I'd be right there with you. Here you're just describing the right being the right, and frankly that's a pretty Italian Neo-Realistic thing to say.
On what planet are George W. Bush, an aging, apolitical rock star or their congratulatory circle jerk ceremony neoliberal? You might as well have said "This is the most witch-house thing ever happened" and it would have made more sense.
insert: I Dont Think That Word Means What You Think It Means meme
Imagine how great it would've been had they actually played one song written by Nina.
I was preparing a long rebuttle to this (sorry Bloc) but see a lot of people beat me to it. It honestly makes me immeasurably happy that the little scene here has really grown and come a long way since the day I recieved a negative 40 downvotes for referring to Michael Gira as a rapist.
Amazon earned $5.6B in 2017 and paid nothing in federal taxes. But let's blame the selfishness of a struggling single mom who dared buy a bag of potato chips.
Longtime Pulp *guitarist/violinist/occasional vocalist* Russell Senior
I loved the first two, thought the third was meh and frankly Harmon is so insufferable I think I'm kinda done.
'But when I first saw his videos I was like, “Argh! No! Yuck!”' Phil Elverum is all of us.