
Faith is awesome. Pornography is just that one flavor, misery. Faith has Primary, Other Voices and All Cats are Grey... Classics.
Pretty broad brush... terrible American music? lolz
What if he used that money to help people rather than put a dent on his forehead?
As long as it's fans buying singles, that seems more legit than radio play TBH. They have fans + they are very popular = #1. Isn't that sort of the way it works?
hawhaw! Foolish Beat by Debbie Gibson or GTFO!!!
I enjoy this column a lot, but the ratings always make me feel that the esteemed writer was not on active duty during "The Great Musical Culture Wars of 86-91™"
In Jr High, my friends drew a line in the sand. You were either with GNR or Depeche Mode. I chose DM, happily. It's so weird to me that music isn't tribal for young people anymore.
Oh hell no! I ain't conforming! Traffic signals are oppression! Seatbeats constrict my freedom! Who says I have to wear shoes or shirt to get service!?
Prince demands you try the soup. I can believe that part for sure.
While everyone else is discussing Def Leppard and Dick Marx, here is the good stuff. This is like high school all over again...
Pour Some Sugar on Me was one of the main reasons I stayed away from radio during this era.
I can say that they play their instruments well, but I loathe GnR.
Freestyle with a punk edge would be something I'd love to see the kids get behind. (Nice username BTW!)
I don't mean it as an insult. Madness is the shit.
as an older dude, I feel the same, but I chalk it up to my age. Madness is goofy as hell.
Legit list. The Beat above the Specials?! I LOVE the Beat and always see them as such an amazing band and very underrated. The Specials come across as the Beatles of 2nd wave ska.
1) Specials 2) The Beat 3) Madness 4) Bad Manners 5) The Selecter
I'm On Fire is the best. That's all I have to offer.
This man prefers Terence Trent D'Arby over The Beatles. I'm shook.
This all day. Is their music enjoyable? Sometimes. I can't be mad at that
They had Rock the Casbah. The rest of their hits were in the Top 30 range. They were definitely as "big" as Lit and Sum 41. MCR, Fall Out Boy and Blink have had more hits. The Clash are god-tier, influence-wise. Love em.
Only straight edge hardcore bands declare themselves straight edge. Not all hardcore bands are straight edge. I think the labeling of a band as straight edge is to attract a certain fan who would appreciate a band with similar ideals. I don't think anyone declares themselves a "drunk band" though it would be pretty funny.
I'm sorry, but who the hell approved the photo on that sleeve artwork? I'm sure there were much better shots.
I always thought this song was goofy. Not a Michael Jackson fan at all, never was. I'm glad. I couldn't handle 2 Morrissey type disappointments.
He's REALLY into For Britain and Anne Marie Waters who is a proponent of "white replacement theory". He once said, “London is debased” on his website and followed up by saying London Sadiq Khan “...cannot talk properly!” due to his accent. In response to allegations he's racist, he said "The word is meaningless now. Everyone ultimately prefers their own race. … Does this make everyone racist?" There's more of course, but hey, this was just what I recalled and was enough for me to have had enough of Morrissey. Viva Marr though.
My gawd, that Replacements cover! I love it!!! Minneapolis knows Minneapolis
People, this is important. SO important that a computer drew half of the design, so it's super meaningful.
of course, it's her money, blah blah blah, but yeah...
This man is right. On. The. Money.
I'm older than you and love em, but Coopers are badass too!
Guilty pleasures would be liking the Spice Girls. I'd wear a BRMC t-shirt unashamed/
Elefant's Misfit was a jam!
They're underrated for sure. Howl is amazing. Not sure how Mercy never made it onto that record. Saw them live many times and was in the studio when they recorded some live stuff for a now-defunct music service during their Howl cycle. Man, they were SO goooood... People compare them to JAMC alot but all I know is I actually left with my hearing whenever I saw BRMC. JAMC on the other hand...
I had to give up MORRISSEY for his bullshit, an artist who I loved for decades. I think you can handle dropping Wallen's goofy ass. I don't give my money and time to assholes, at least not knowingly and willingly.
AAaaaaaand I saw that Beiber did the same shit... lolol! Happily glad to go back to hatin' on Beiber. Second part still stands.
I cannot believe I am a newborn Belieber... Screw this guy and the racist morons that have willfully went out to support him. Trash.
Did anyone else grow up in the 80s and NOT own any Michael Jackson records? Thriller was such a cultural THING, I didn't feel a need to contribute. Bad always seemed cheesy from day 1.
LOve me some Sisters. Amphetamine Logic!
This dad listens to Minor Threat, Joy Division, the Cure and Prince. Broad term to say the least.