
Damn...honestly never knew Sufjan was a little bitch about most things.
I don't understand it. So there are people buying a record player. And then they decide to only play adele en ed sheeran? But why?
Oh so she didn't make these pictures to stir up some fake controversy? My bad...sorry
Don't you agree that women isn't some heavily filtered, heavily shopped and edited version of something resembling somebody Madonna thinks she looked like 30 years ago...because dude....
I agree with Madonna but let's not pretend that woman in the pictures is not some heavily filtered, heavily shopped and edited version of something resembling somebody Madonna thinks she looked like 30 years ago.
I used to love christmas. Now I have a kid and my brother has 2 kids. I fucking hate christmas now. I'm upstairs hiding now. Please help me
I chuckled
I just don't understand how his songs were finished and your songs are finished but the album wasn't finished. Huge fan here btw. Best of luck with the solo project! Cool your warm jets...Brian Eno
Well obviously it's a scam but if people want to throw money away, let them do it...Why should I care, I'm too poor for NFT's anyway.
Joaquin phoenix won an oscar and Joker was wildly successful. It's not their fault superman is a boring character Well techically it is but you know
What the fuck are you talking about. The dark knight is a classic
The new flash movie already got you covered on the Keaton front.
absolutely agree with this. The comment section at newspaper sites is the worst aspects of social media combined in one clusterfuck of awful
Let's get this wiseguy to the most likes in sud. fat finger accidentally downvoted you. But zverybody after me...let's get him to the nr 1 of 2021 most upvotes. We can do this
Maybe if kanye wasn't batshit crazy all the time it could have worked. Pardon my french...but you know what I mean
one of the first show I ever saw at a festival was from the roots around that period. Only knew a few songs but they were so tight
R.Kelly wasn't available anymore
Oh no...the communist sleeper agents have awaken at stereogum
She could almost smell the lawyers
That's from tom Cochrane and it's a classic. I have spoken
I like it. It's all over the place but it slaps.
Worst release week ever but this sounds interesting
They don't only bang the drums I'm sorry...i'll just leave