
No, he says as much with "Perhaps we writers should have been more careful with our words — I can own this, and I may even agree." That's the only honest moment in the whole response, and you can tell how uncomfortable it makes him to even concede that much because he immediately pivots to "Songs are divinely constituted organisms," which is some of the lowest-grade mystical bullshit I've ever read.
Songwriters work in a medium that tends to use the first person and rarely has time to convincingly distinguish the narrator from the subject.
There are perfectly acceptable justifications for not going back and changing decades-old song lyrics, but this isn't it. Rather than more or less calling people today snowflakes who can't take a joke, how about just saying "When I wrote these songs I wouldn't have stopped for a second to think about whether the specific language I used would hurt anybody listening to it. I've improved since then, and the last thing I would ever do is go back and edit the record to make myself look like a better person than I was at the time."
This will raise some hackles I'm sure but as an American I'm so proud of us for taking the black metal genre, which, as practiced by its originators, had nothing to recommend it, distilling out all the cheesy stupid Viking shit and making it good and interesting. American black metal is cultural appropriation's best-case scenario
Did Dennis Miller ghostwrite this comment
He's credited as co-writer on a few tracks, but isn't the rumor that he wrote/performed/produced pretty much the whole thing a la every Pumpkins record?
How the hell did you write a review of this record and not even mention "With Every Light," which is unquestionably the album's highlight and one of the best songs the man ever wrote Also MACHINA II is a mess but I'll go to the mat for "Dross" and the full-band version of "If There is a God." Come to think of it, if he'd swapped those two in for "Ghost Children" and "Heavy Metal Machine" Machina I could have stood with the consensus classic Pumpkins records
> Vampire Weekend releasing their next album in 2039. God willing
There goes all their punk rock cred
Getting mid/late-90s emo vibes from this, and not mad about it
Maybe their dad should have rented them one gec to practice on first
The importance of Black Sabbath lays ≥95% in who they inspired to pick up the sound/aesthetic they pioneered and do something interesting with it. I'll leave Paranoid on if it comes on the old man rock station but I can't imagine going out of my way to listen to them, the songs just aren't that good.
This but unironically
It's impossible to underrate a Death Grips record. Our top scientists have tried, without success.
You'd be a lot cooler if you were EddieVedderApologistC
Oh you don't want to watch grandpa and his AA buddies rock the county fair?
He's not "just another" irredeemable late-night host. He's the worst, most irredeemable late-night host! Show some respect!
This is going to be a disaster, and it also makes so much sense.
I'll never get tired of saying "the Bloodhound Gang did it first"
Oh for sure dude, gonna be telling my grandkids about the moment when, no shit, there I was, front row, six beers in, rockin out hard, when all of a sudden my eyes twitch stage right, squinting like "Is that ... no, it can't be ... could it? ... Jesus. Holy Fuck. MARK MCGRATH"
Heavy Hell's Bells vibes in the intro
I think the rule is you're not really metal if your first record came out this millennium and more than five people have heard of you
The Chrome Ghost record is a transmission from another, better universe where Fear Inoculum wasn't overblown horseshit
Couldn't even make it a minute into either performance. Is this really what the kids are into these days?
- Sets up a giant sign reading "A polyrhythm-heavy record that WON'T bore the shit out of you" - Parks across the street from Fear Inoculum - Blasts REVERENCE at max volume
Engineer forgot to use the Soundgoodizer
Mixing oreo o's and shredded wheat in the same bowl is the real psychopath red flag in this picture
More like the Jokes, except the only funny part is that anybody admits they like them, which actually is more sad than funny, kind of like the Mets
Who's gonna tell this guy who Hillary worked for for four years
Drake is a piece of shit and has absolutely no talent whatsoever. Merry Christmas SG, thanks in advance for the downvotes