
No, it's from this year.
The Saved By the Bell look is so hot right now.
There are huge differences in using autotune to sound like you can sing in pitch, using it as an effect (or vocoding), and playing the guitar with effects. Do you know of any guitarists that use auto-tune for accurate intonation when they play?? Please name them so I can explain how you don't know what you're talking about.
Remember their hit from '99, "Everything You Want"?!
Holy autotune, batman! Let's count on one hand the singers getting coverage that can actually sound great without pitch correction. Ready, set....
I dig these tracks and am psyched to check out the rest of the album. I thought "Same Mistakes" was a beautiful song. Funny they've now titled a song after themselves, referring to their "heyday"; "CYHSY, 2005"
Yeah underwhelming for me too, big time. But more importantly, in the Welcome to the Party vid, is that the Bolla Market with the Burger King in Greenpoint by Meeker?
Ah, nice selection! Those versions were about 5 years apart. Both make me think of looking for my crush at the roller skating rink for the slow skate. Both still in the '80s!
There better be a good explanation for this song title. Jurtice hurts my insides.
Agreed. Kinda funny to think that Costello made that song more popular with his own version only 4 years after the original came out. I'm trying to find an example of that happening in more recent 4 years isn't enough time these days for a cover to be cooler than an original in a big single success sort of way...
No doubt. Is it me or does Gaga's face-to-arms-to-body proportions in this pic look so off? Like a bad photoshop but probably not. My eyes are buggin out...
A good percentage of Strokes, VW and Bon Iver fans may plan to vote for Bernie, but to assume their entire audience or even a majority of their audience is voting for Bernie or voting at all is a naive overgeneralization.
The price is wrong, beeeeyatch
Was I the only one with fingers crossed hoping this was some weird Best Coast-ed cover of Flaming Lips' "Everything Has Changed"?
Punk rock should be forced to play only Denny's establishments from now on, no matter how small or big the band.
They may have rented the Denny's...but they earned my heart. And stole my moons-over-my-hammy virginity. And borrowed my XLR cables.
He did, back in '98. Was dubbed the "Creamed Herring" show, because, well, I'm not sure.
Love it. Dude's sound was always ahead of its time, but not too much ahead to not make a real impact when it was new. Since he was the head of Def Jux, it's interesting to me that ISWYD is streaming now for the first time (as in, I can't imagine rights ownership being the issue). Wonder why? Also, is skronk-rap a thing I can say?
Hollywood bullshit? What kind of bullshit can possibly happen in a place like Hollywood?
Remember this dude?
Eilish performance was flames and "fashion". I am happy for her success, wish her the best...but there's no doubt she's being celebrated for image or substance because any of her songs are derivative, mediocre pop songs that any of the other "stylist" musicians in mainstream pop put out.
Remix: Adam and Zach from Rage got their fake dreads from the same store. I know because I'm a customer...and also the dreadsident.
Creflo was framed by Satan
"I kinda like use hip hop elements in my music." - Kid Cuti