
its funny how negative attention draws peoples eyes to things. like, if there was an article where lady gaga and her team just released those contracts i probably wouldn't click - but since they were stolen for some reason i do ?
i always felt a twinge of that you betrayal you referenced, it seemed like fans cashed in their 401ks and took out loans to go see the show and it amounted to a new york kid basically lying to sell out MSG. i felt that way until i saw them live at pitchfork fest a couple years ago. i had seen them at lolla 2007 i think but it was before i was into them. this time their live show just absolutely blew me away and i could only feel happy they still existed. plus american dream is one of the 25 or so best records of the last decade so that helps.
its almost as if they care more about money than people’s safety
could he look more like louis ck in that promo pic if he tried ?
i loved triplicate bc i am the worst and tempest is one of my top 10 all time dylan records. plus murder most foul is his best song in years. this will be incredible.
this reminds me of the rollout for the war on drugs "a deeper understanding" and i am loving it just as much.
i heard an interesting anecdote somewhere that when Chris Martin wrote a long letter praising Kraftwerk and asking for permission to use their riff in the X&Y song Talk bc they accidentally wrote it into the song all he received was a letter back with nothing printed on the entire page except - yes. I love that story and its robotic simplicity. Thank u Florian. RIP.
sounds like a scene from the darjheeling ltd - i am so in for this
rivers never wants us to forget that he can both rock and suck harder than anyone else in the game
rip. computer world is the best album of the 80's.
bought this right when it came out at Other Music - RIP amazing record. the vinyl me please reissue last year was fantastic
oh man. he seemed indestructible. and he drummed on most of my favorite fela kuti records. THIS SUCKS.
see them live if u can. if the future contains live concerts. if the future isn't literally identical to mad max fury road. but if it is we can only hope pure x is there bc there music would be amazing in those drab post-apocalyptic times
has anyone seen that super weird david lynch cartoon "dumbland" - the song hollywood on this record reminds me of that in a very good way.
they live that "one more time" wedding playlist residual check lifestyle
what a brand conscious kindness
small potatoes compared to 2.6 monthly listeners on pandora
i love the strokes. i loved first impressions. i saw the strokes on that tour and it was incredible. i love voidz. i saw voidz last year and it was one of the worst shows i have ever seen and i don't care. i just love everything julian does. i love the dark night of the soul track he did, i love the daft punk track he did. i am just so freaking pumped that today is today and we get this new record.
at bonnaroo 2014 i blew kisses at damon and i am 7% sure he saw me
oh man. this is a tough one. 1978’s “bruised orange” record is about as underrated as they come. rip
oh my gosh. this album sounds trapped in that period after mbv's isn't anything before loveless when they released all those amazing eps. so pumped on this band.
massive oversight not booking trapt based on pandora numbers alone
agreed - its up there with amoeba / princeton record exchange / stinkweeds
I jammed this record SO LOUD on CD in my red 2005 Saturn ion ALL SUMMER LONG
if u want a good example of toxic fandom - check out the frank ocean reddit thread. that being said love the justice remix - it sounds great !
i bought ten records last week. does that mean i bought one one thousandth of a percent of the entire us album sales in america ?
man. i love bob dylan. tempest is one of his 10 best records imo and this sounds like that record but mixed with some of the triplicate cover vibes.
saying something calm and nice on twitter to your fav indie artist is an easy way to get a personal reply from them because it feels so out of place in the cesspool of subhuman filth that is twitter
how many massive corporate brands can you say in one sentence ?
I think Milk Man is their best but imo Friend Opportunity is the best entry point
woah. this is some vangelis level stuff. incredible.
yawn EXCEPT Rick Rubin laying prostrate smiling at 8:44 - worth it all
but what does mark kozelek think ?
uncut gems was the most compelling electronic soundtrack that i have heard since blade runner. “hardest to love” is on top of a track that sounds like aphex twin. production wise i am geeking on this record and thats enough for me right now. i need to like things more than usual.
I am still very excited about this record. But I mean, this doesn't have that plunderphonic magic that their previous two records had. Rivers hook is like a lot of his other post 2005 hooks that have been interesting enough but not lasting like his earlier hooks. The fact that the Blood Orange song has a totally different vibe still has me hoping that this is a genre hopping Gorillaz type of record. But after 3 listens this song has left me unimpressed. It sounds like a Coachella Spotify playlist deep cut.
if your establishment has the words ass and honky in its name maybe its time to rethink a lot