
“If you’re a work of art/ I’m standing too close/ I can see the brushtrokes”. What is this, abstract expressionist erasure? I'm a little disappointed if her appreciation of visual art is of the basic "oh wow, that painting is photo realistic!"kind. Yes this is tongue-in-cheek art wankery on my part, enjoy your day.
Reminds me of a grim, intense version of the Blow. In a good way.
I really like the instrumental. Like his other recent stuff it is interesting in its minimalism and texture. I can imagine FKA Twigs on beats like these. I can see he isn't a strong vocalist though and might not be everyone's cup of tea.
I'm old and the GOOBA film clip doesn't sit well with me. Can any young people tell me if mixing Baby Shark aesthetics with Brazzers soft porn is just normal now?
Deafheaven pretty much being blackgaze is the point I meant to make.
Not sure it is accurate to say "BM specifically" then describe blackgaze. I mean I love Holy Fawn but only a fraction of their sound is really metal.
I dunno, kind of sounds like someone doing a Tom Waits tribute on a Casiotone.
That slick side-part is a good look, the middle part never did him any favors. Does Stereogum need commentary on the grooming habits of male indie rock stars? I feel like I've found my calling.
People post fun tik toks while trapped in the wreckage of their mangled car after an accident , this is just life now.
I thought they meant giant kleptomaniac badger but that works too.
You only like me when I'm naming my kid Brad
I don't know about the album itself but during the promotional cycle if by "address" you mean "promote" and by "post-covid landscape" you mean "Apple products or services" then yes, yes it will.
Zombies vs Plants made for a popular videogame, I'd play Junkies vs Cokeheads. But in a fight of someone being heavily smacked out on heroin vs someone very wired on coke my money is on the cokehead every time.
Even if it does get teased in school from what I can tell most child stars and kids of the ultra-rich stabilise by their 30's. I'd legally change my name to "Stinky" or something in exchange for the kind of wealth this kid is going to enjoy.
Sucks people feel like they have to walk on eggshells if they don't like something or are critical. I really wish there were two tabs we could pick from to make comments, something like For and Against (the names don't matter). That way no one has to feel attacked. Why is saying "this is aoty!" more valid than "this isn't for me and I have reasons"? It isn't. "This is shit" is negative, sure, but "I think sing-speaking faux profound lyrics in repetition" is reasonable criticism and people have a right to express it.
Strangely "gorillas in my stomach" hasn't caught on as a phrase just yet.
Meh, given how much the Stereogum community like Fiona Apple I should know better than to point out how pretentious something is.
Pretentious is what I'd say in a word association game, based as much on their set at the Pitchfork music festival as this story.
I enjoy the Peep stuff most indebted to Wicca Phase. I know Wicca can be something of an acquired taste but if someone can't find anything to like about "Absolute in Doubt" then their taste is on a different plane to a point where I'm not worried what they like.
"The power of god can't be calculated by a number, by a first week sale, by a bank account, by how many cars you drive, by how big your house is and how many acres you got." - Kanye West This is a quote from a speech he gave at one of his Sunday Services. Dude is pretty inconsistent.
I agree but would also add that in any attempts communities have made to establish fairer systems someone will find a way to abuse it. I think we should strive for fairer systems anyway. But I think capitalism is the mode that keeps winning out because it is a reflection of the worst in people. Some may say that is pessimistic, I'd say it's realistic but I don't think we will ever eliminate the worst in people. Basic greed and people misusing power when they get the chance are constants in every society, in every community.
I'm not sure the metaphor works that well, someone living week to week on minimum wage is making a real sacrifice to give money away. Credit where it is due though, West donated a million dollars to charities for his wife's birthday. Not really a sacrifice if someone is truly worth a billion and can probably claim some of it back in taxes but certainly a generous thing to do.
Lipsynced from their own homes? That description of Elite was gold though.
Do you mean no one makes that on their own (they have a team that helped make it happen) or no one deserves to be paid that much? Or both? Or something different? Just curious, not disagreeing.
I don't know what the thicc bro with the beard in the video is in it for but I don't trust an Englishman with teeth that nice.
It is a nice enough story. But the song itself would make me start looking for the nearest exit if I heard it in a public space.
I'm all for repping Iglooghost. Kind of wish he'd pitchshifted or warped the bejeesus out of those vocals though, kid's choirs will forever unfavourably remind me of the late 00's bloghouse and indie bands.
Thank goodness for the BCApologists and Stupid Assholes though. While they may go overboard on the trolling sometimes the comment section would be one big circle jerk without them.
"Yfirbord" on Kveikur and "Ovedur" were dark glitchy electronic perfection. I feel like A.G Cook needs Jonsi more than Jonsi needs A.G Cook. The song makes me happy anyway, glad it is the direction he is going in. I know people hate anything even remotely critical or "negative" in the comments section. I've been critical of the WHO in another post. This seems relevant here though. For the tldr crowd, this article suggests the WHO spends as little as 4% of its funds on medical supplies and materials. Lets question things harder. Donate to your local hospital/ crisis support.
Definitely not haha. I'm just frustrated by how little people seem to care about actual politics that seriously affect them. I'm not on some Trump bullshit. Dude has clearly been trying to scapegoat the WHO to take heat off himself. The WHO has been under scrutiny for years though, it is a fairly bipartisan view that they are compromised. World leaders that condemned Trump's withdrawal of funding also expressed concern at the WHO condoning the re-opening of wet markets without more extensive safety measures. I'm not being racist here, the issue isn't wet markets as much as the policing of them. The WHO is being negligent and people shouldn't just throw funds at them because they have some celebrities put on a performance. Like most big charity events, it is questionable how much of the funds will go to the people that need it most. Local hospitals are open to donations all year round. Donate to them! Act local and cut out as many middlemen as possible. Screw the cult of celebrity worship, this was a PR exercise as much (maybe more) than a charity event.
Did anyone use the opportunity while they had the microphone to demand the World health Organisation takes a stronger stance on exotic animal trade in China? Because we need that far more than we need Jennifer Lopez singing Streisand.
Nothing personal. It is just signs are pointing to things improving in some parts of the world even as they get bad in others. Looking at China's timeline, seeing things improve and seeing it mirrored in the timeline of others countries, it is becoming clear this will pass. The world isn't ending. I'm just tired of the sentiment because I see it all over my social media. Someone on my Facebook feed spent a day at the beach and posted a selfie in a bikini of themselves with a friend captioned 'so grateful to have this buddy as we wait for the apocalypse'. Really?! It is a worrying extension of how privileged most people are when having to stay indoors so we don't make the vulnerable sick is blown out of proportion to a degree where we believe the human race will be over soon. The situation is bad and my sympathy goes out to anyone who has actually lost someone to covid.
Real talk though, this site needs a separate tab in the comments for people to disagree with the hive mind in. That way no one has to feel personally attacked when others express views that don't align perfectly with theirs. fkacody is a perfect example of how gross stan culture is. Not the first time I've seen him be an ass to someone who has expressed entirely reasonable, non confrontational, critical views. The mind set that anyone who doesn't like the same thing should be punished in some way and shouted down is juvenile.
Ok this is the straw that broke this camels back. End of days? Nope. It really isn't.
LDR is a good comparison. Both started out groomed by major labels with their looks exploited to make money. I feel sorry for Apple that she had that experience. The majority of her life after seems like a long protracted coming to terms with it. I don't follow Apple, I tried listening to Boltcutters and couldn't get through it. It just really isn't my jam. But I'm glad she is out there as an example of the damage the entertainment industry does to people, rather than being swept under the carpet..
or my girlfriend: Plz don't wear my high waisted pleated chinos before I get a chance to. me:
Daddy could still get it, never underestimate the power of a ginger beard.