
this is definitely going on the CIA's torture pop song playlist
it's a funny joke
those are some good histrionics
standing in front of a green screen waiving a sword is pretty much exactly the vibe of the album! gg, g(c)!
i feel anyone who truly loves ROCK N ROLL would appreciate this sentiment.
dang! not even the new stuff (ie: gospel for a new century)?
don't forget yves tumor!
it's true. these two things are about tied in their greatness.
"it’s still the best album that’s ever come out of Will Oldham’s long and storied career." - facts.
great stuff - might be my favorite of their collaborations, personally.
i dont think he even listened to it, honestly
We Appreciate Corny. guys grimes is corny af. it's her best feature. the bit where she opens Idoru and it says her name. cmon. i laughed. i don't even think this song is very good. the drums are so cheap i love it. it's not bad it's just lame. like an anime end credits theme - and those are actually always bad and lame (but also good.) that's amazing postmodernism and she deserves credit for that. (Fantano was wrong.) but it (the album) is also kinda bad. (Fantano is right.) her mystique totally doesnt work for me and she makes me feel old for my taste cuz im like what do people see in these corny ass songs (listen to the new fucking califone you heathens) but at least she's sincere about it and i get that. i've never respected a persona so hard and i hate the persona game. my friends who love her refuse to listen to her cuz they hate elon and they think she's some kind of turncoat to the cause or something (but they'd never listen to something as obscure as zola jesus or even get the reference of her band name). i saw the herzog doc years ago -elon seems like a corny dude w/ too much monee. i like space too tho. space is rad. rockets are amazing human achievements. so is music. i hope grime does a song w/ jpegmafia soon i will listen to it a lot. im not drunk youre drunk.
*cue record scratch/fast rapping*
it's like that one time Busdriver was on Blind Date
i dunno i think it's ok for someone to bring the throbbing gristle vibe into the 21st century. not everyone needs to be tame impala. and youve got grimes to kinda like split the difference even.
i mean go hard or go home right?
counterpoint: nothing is too on-the-nose for grimes.
i still don't understand how califone never broke bigger. they are heroes.
algorithm sent me this the other day for example
agreed and it's good to hear. as much as i felt the later TV albums were a bit ... let's say mild to be generous - compared to the first few releases and even tunde's side stuff - their voice has been sorely missed these past bunch of years. moses and yves, while of course doing their own thing, really seem to be pushing shit forward again and i love it.
i was thinking the same thing!
i often wish i could never have heard it.
definitely plan on seeing good time.