
Y'all should do an article about The Darkness and Diarrhea Planet touring together. Please
China Girl is a good song dammit.
Wes Anderson hasn't made a good movie since The Darjeeling Limited.
Great sunny spring day listen!
I couldn't find it either.
You're all pretending like you don't crank it up when Into the Groove comes on.
I was never a big Strokes fan but I'm really digging this album so far. QYURRYUS is probably my fave song of the year so far, can't wait for the album.
What balls on this guy. I mean this as a compliment, I wish I could be as confident as Andrew W.K.
I don't think this movie lacks any sentimentality, I actually think it was very romantic.
Probably Emily or something
Finally got around to listening to a bunch of these songs while reading this list and I regret it.
K.V. and C.B - Lotta Sea Lice. So lighthearted and fun. War on Drugs - Nothing to find (hard to pick just one off that album) Also enjoyed The Darkness - Pinewood Smile (these guys really get me) Cut Copy - Haiku from Zero. great for dancing while driving Partner - In Search of Lost Time - these girls fucking JAM! White Reaper - The Worlds Best American Band. Little Silver Cross so good
Me too, then I screamed at the sky for an hour.
I have a burnt CD in my car that has Miami on it.
I had to read the article because I couldn't understand the headline.
Maybe we can get a collaboration!
Damn I hate gold diggers!
Precious or precocious?
I got an email from Amazon today saying that my new expected release date for the pre-order of A Deeper Understanding is now December 31 2039......
Man Vinnie Jones has really let himself go.
That Weather Station song fells like fall. Fuck.
Sadly it's that time of the year where we start hearing new singles for albums that won't be out until October or later.
Always super excited for a new The Darkness album.
Was hoping this was an Icehouse cover.