
Also, the Chris Holmes doc (Mean Man) was surprisingly interesting. He's a character, to say the least. Recommended viewing for anyone who isn't Blackie Lawless.
I've seen a bunch of Cronenberg, though not The Brood, and have a bunch more on my "to watch" list (which also includes Titane). What better weekend to delve into it?
The top 2 are obvious, but I don't go Jester - I go Whoracle, then Colony (I will ride for "Zombie Inc." as the best In Flames song).
Hey, Toronto's getting a new metal record store, opening tomorrow (aka "Devil's Night", of course). Looks like they'll be carrying stuff from a ton of great labels. Too bad I'm not a vinyl guy, but I'll have to check them out anyway - one can never have too much metal, after all.
Since we're talking movies, I just recently watched a really good documentary about Death (the band, not the existential state of being). It's called Death By Metal, after the first Death demo - includes interviews with pretty much everyone who was ever in the band (including the late Sean Reinert, RIP), plus managers, producers, even Chuck's mom. Really interesting, well worth tracking down (it's on Amazon Prime, in Canada at least).
I knew I could count on you, bloc.
When I was about 12, my parents made me sit down with them and go through the lyrics of all of my metal/hard rock tapes, to determine which ones I would be allowed to keep, and which I would have to throw out, lest they corrupt my impressionable Catholic altar boy's mind. I will never forget my dad's take ​on Def Leppard's "Armageddon It": "When these bands say 'it', they're usually talking about sexual intercourse."
I've never seen an Argento movie. Sounds like Opera would be a good place to start!
Very glad to have Michael back in the fold (hopefully Aaron will also be back soon to complete the four-man Black Market wrecking crew)! Swedish death metal fans, check out Grand Cadaver's Into The Maw of Death. Old-school-Swedeath worship featuring current/former members of Dark Tranquillity, Katatonia, and Tiamat. I'm listening to the new Be'lakor right now, so far it's very much up my alley. And speaking of melodeath stuffed with hooks, Vaelmyst's debut Secrypts Of The Egochasm is "easily the best and most passionate melodic death metal album of the last decade" (if you believe the press release LOL). That might be a tad hyperbolic, but I'd still recommend giving it a spin:
Hushed & Grim was my first listen this morning, I made it 15/15ths of the way through, although on first listen I'd agree that it's not one of their stronger albums. Nothing here grabs me the way "Ancient Kingdom" did on Emperor of Sand, but I'm sure I'll spend some more time with it at least. Also gave the new Archspire a spin - barely half an hour long but it's still, um, a LOT.
This sucks. But I have to say, "Flat Top" is a great cover choice.
Why not both? Well, I've got some thoughts on that subject, but I believe it would be prudent to keep them to myself.
-"We're posting the new War on Drugs PE on Wednesday. What can we run as counter-programming for people who aren't into WoD?" -"I've got just the thing..."
Well, now THIS is interesting.
Was it the Wind Of Change Deluxe Box Set from 2020, or the Box Of Scorpions set from 2004?
The Beatles? Must be one of those obscure new indie bands. Also, did anyone else notice that 12-second global blackout yesterday?
Too bad you missed out on my hilarious "Red Sox? More like Red SUCKS" joke. Anyway, the Red Sox season is finally, blessedly, over. Of course, that just means Bloc is free to focus his attention on the Knicks, Giants, Jets, etc...
I guess he never got a chance to hear the album because he was (wait for it)...institutionalized.
Well, why don't you come over and listen to some riffs, and we'll have nachos. And then, some beer.
I don't know, the chances of me driving through the mountains to get to a half-marathon are pretty slim.
The more you comment, the more you toot.
I almost gave up on the Worm album halfway through, too funereal for my tastes, but I'm glad I stuck it out, "Empire of the Necromancers" and "Subaqueous Funeral" pick things up considerably. Also, as far as death metal albums combined with WWI history lessons, the new 1914 goes hard.
Seconded. This thing's got riffs coming out its ears.
I tried sleeping on an album once. It wasn't very comfortable, and I ended up damaging the album. I wouldn't recommend it.
I guess they had "how to edit Wikipedia" tutorials at St. Elizabeth's.
"John Warnock Hinckley Jr. (born May 29, 1955) is an American singer-songwriter who attempted to assassinate U.S. President Ronald Reagan in Washington, D.C. on March 30, 1981." Now that's what I call burying the lede.
Love this. New album soon? Please?
Holy shit, I had honestly completely forgotten this was coming out this week. I pre-ordered the CD/Blu-ray Artbook a couple of months ago - just checked my order, it hasn't shipped yet, so I'm not expecting it anytime soon. Thanks for the reminder anyway!
Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Let us celebrate with the adding of sour mash to cheap wine.
I love it. My favourite thing they've done, by far.
Glad to hear you've got lots of support - I've done the psychiatric hospital thing (only for a week, and of my own volition, but still, not fun), and wouldn't have made it out the other side without a lot of help. Also, I can't speak for anyone else, but there have been a few instances where I would say that music has actually saved my life. Welcome back!
It will be fun as long as whoever comes out of the NL wins the World Series.
My comment wasn't meant to be a hot take, I was just being honest. I actually don't even mind some Radiohead, especially the Bends/OKC era. I just think they're vastly, vastly, vastly, vastly, VASTLY overrated.
My first time ever in the bottom five!
Yeah, that sounds about right LOL. I'd never heard Be'lakor, but I'm liking this. Looks like their last album was Vessels from 2016, is that the one that's a legit no-doubt masterpiece?
Wait, you mean melodeath isn't a respected art form?
I'm not a fan of Thou. And don't even get me started on Thee and Thy.