
Don't hover, hoover that shit up
Time after time, this type of thing ends up being a bust.
So excited for this album. Saw her perform in Brooklyn, she was amazing. Also incredibly nice when we spoke with her after the show.
I want to eat donuts in my car in a parking lot, yo.
He just keeps getting better and better and better
For those who are not aware, "Dykes to Watch out for" was Alison Bechdel's groundbreaking comic strip of some years past. She has since written several brilliant graphic novels, and also helped create the so-called Bechdel Test.
Next up: Woodstock 50 to be held in the men's room of a local Texaco station. Bring your own toilet paper.
Everybody wins (except anyone at the show who is not the singer or the heckler).
Why. Just trotting out his deceased brother in a bid for sympathy tells you everything. Believe women. Yes Ryan, we do.
I'm still angry about Dylan going electric.
Wow my first time in the top 10 (and a two-fer)! Where do I pick up my t-shirt and bushel of cocaine?
I didn't know about the Tom Waits connection, can someone please explain how this came about?
A bit worried A$AP will start to empathize with his captors.
I remember when my parents told me not to burn down the house. Damn crispy ass motherfuckers.
So you're saying there are no great white rappers from Nebraska? You bastard.
If only I had the slightest idea what that means. *snorts another ground up tic tac*
I guess they told him 2Pac up his shit and get the fuck out.
She appears to be going full Kanye.
I agree that it sounds like he feels protective - and not surprisingly, given what other coming out rappers have gone through - but nonetheless it's a pretty unhelpful view to be propagating. That being said, I still stan for Jeffrey.
Finally someone who loves America.
If i was pissed on I would be pissed off.
It's definitely a complicated issue. As a US citizen who is mortified about the way my country behaves around the world, I do often think we ought to be directing more outrage at our own leadership. This country is an active enabler of so much that the Saudi regime perpetrates.
I never pass up an opportunity to mention that I saw The Who on their "farewell tour" in 1982 and I believe I am entitled to a refund since they have continued to perform in the 800 years since then.
Am i allowed to not have an opinion about this.
I don't want to change the world, I'm not looking for a new England (I'm just looking for another girl)
This song is so annoying and repetitive and annoying and repetitive and annoying. Anyone who says otherwise has doobious taste in music.